honey and cinnamon cures 2008-2010
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These are very good tips for healthy body. Thanks & blessing.
Vijay, India
23 Dec 2010

I have been using cinnamon with honey for around two weeks. I have noticed that I can eat everything I want and not gaining weights. I take it in the morning before breakfast and after dinner!
M Moenandar, United States
16 Dec 2010
My parents have been raving about the benifits of using cinnamon and honey and have been using it for weight loss for months now. To be honest I have been a bit of a sceptic of the healing properties till today.
For two days I have been suffering from the most painful tooth ache and using a medly of painkillers and potions on my teeth to try and gain a reprieve from this constant pain, but to no avail.
Anyway, upon visiting my parents today they did me a mix of 1 part crushed cinnamon with 5 parts honey and told me to apply it to the affected area.
I am amazed!!!! The effect was instant and for the first time in 2 days I’m not in such servere pain. In fact the pain has subsided more in one application of honey and cinnamon than all of the other remedies I’ve tried put together.
I’ll never doubt the benefits of this combination ever again!
Kevilou, United Kingdom
12 Dec 2010
It works amazingly!!
Angela, Canada
1 Nov 2010
I have only just found this site and begun my cinnnamon and honey last night. I always seem to have a cold and runny nose. Hope it can help me with that. In addition, I am now beginning to have arthritis in the knees.. it is becoming difficult to climb up and down stairs … hope this combination works. I also hope to lose some weight.
But I want to try the combination of honey and cinnamon, honey and apple cider vinegar and honey and lime or lemon. I hope I am not going overboard. But reading about all, they all seem to have benefits so I will alternate the combinations.
Zailoon, Guyana
29 Oct 2010
I use honey and cinnamon and encourage others to do so. Honey and cinnamon have been so good to my family. Everyone uses it on daily basis. We also sell them to people who have experienced such. It is good to use it together with bread.
Christopher, Nigeria
27 Oct 2010
Hi, finally figured out why i was feeling so full and bloated after taking honey with cinnamon. You need to wait for 30-45 mins after dinner before you drink this. Best if you don’t eat dinnner. Am taking with green tea, will start with apple cider vinegar, green tea, honey and cinnamon in afternoon. Hopefully will post some positive results soon.
Chits, United Arab Emirates
19 Oct 2010
17 Oct 2010
Pls can someone reply. My bowel is not getting cleared after taking honey and cinnamon. I feel so bloated. I have serious problems with my bowel ad i take natural laxative every night but ever since i have started taking honey nd cinnamon i feel so full and heavy. Its so annoying maybe this thing is not suiting me.
Chits, United Arab Emirates
13 Oct 2010
Ruth: Chits, just as with any other remedy (natural or synthetic), this honey and cinnamon mixture doesn’t promise a 100% success rate. It is not a panacea. What might work for many people doesn’t necessarily mean it will have the same exact impact on you with the same ailment. If this remedy is adding to your bowel issues (for reasons unknown), you should stop using it immediately.
I have taken the honey and cinnamon with apple cider vinegar. If mixed just right it tastes pretty good. When I have taken it I feel like I have more energy. When I don’t less energy. I quit using processed sugar a couple of months ago and only use honey in anything I drink. I like natural cures versus medical ones.
Anthony, United States
9 Oct 2010
I know first hand that honey and cinnamon in paste form work well for toothaches.
Phil, United States
7 Sep 2010
I have applied on my legs Cinnamon oil with little honey mixed, that had given me lot of relief.
Sylvester, Sri Lanka
15 Aug 2010
Hi! That’s true with the recipe on honey with cinnamon. I used every morning honey with cinnamon, make paste then pour cold boiled water. Drink it then wait for breakfast 15 – 30 min. I was sick 5 years ago bec of virus. I felt great and energised. I am 55 years old. I will continue drink it for life. No need medicine from doctor.
I think it’s so wonderful of honey with cinnamon.
Eva Haberlova, United States
26 Jul 2010
It’s really helpful for the pimples.
Vishal, India
23 Jul 2010
My 60 yr old roommate/landlady swears by honey and cinnamon for her arthritis,and me for my tinnitus……….
Also helps with my asthma/breathing..
Great for the skin,had a rough spot on my elbow for the longest time,took honey n cinnamon for a few weeks and it is going away..
I read somewhere that just breathing cinnamon can make you smarter, interesting…..
Bob, Canada
18 Jul 2010
I have a bladder infection and started taking a mixture of 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in a 4 ounce glass of warm milk every morning at 8:00 am with my regular medications. I don seem to have much of a bladder problem now and will know for sure when I have my next check-up.
Richard, United States
24 Apr 2010
Honey with cinamoon with green tea with empty stomuch is good for digestion as well lowering blood colestrol & weight loss.
Kamil, Pakistan
22 Apr 2010
I started to take the Honey and Cinnamon only recently, Not only am I a huge fan of the taste. But I have started to feel great benefits, I feel more refreshed in the morning, I sleep better, My bowel movements are more regular and I feel like Im losing weight. I can’t recommend this anymore!
Ross, United Kingdom
13 Apr 2010
I am a natural SKEPTIC! I was forwarded an e-mail about the amazing cures using HONEY & CINNAMON mixed. I gave it a try. I have a kinked bowel, and have prescription metamucil, which I haven’t drank for the last week! I am cleansed each day, of my “BM”, without any straining, or hard stools! IT WORKED! I also notice that in just my eating the honey/cinnamon, my pants are looser…though I have eaten MORE food than usual!
Won’t hurt to try it…you just might become a believer!
Desiree Welvaert, United States
28 Mar 2010
A tablespoon of honey and cinnamon is helping me to have more energy.
Joseph, United States
9 Mar 2010
A nice way to take honey and cinnamon.
I use a bowl to mix honey and cinnamon into a paste (amounts of each vary), use it as spread to eat, then add warm water (never boiling) into the bowl to drink.
Simple truth reveals itself simply.
John, Canada
22 Feb 2010
I used to have a lot of stomach issues. Ive found tht ever since I started drinking boiled or hot water, with 1 tbs honey, apple cider and cinnamon powder, (early in the morning before eating anything) it has solved my problems alot!!
Anne, Canada
8 Feb 2010
I have been drinking hot water with cinnamon and honey every day for 6 wks. I started taking it to help my arthritis in my knee, well I havnt stopped. It is unbelievable. I have been telling everyone but it seems that I’m the only one who has stuck with it, it has worked for me and I will never stop.
Carmela, United States
12 Jan 2010
I mixed cinnamon and honey for my son who complained of toothache and the pain stopped. Stomach upset stopped after having a glass of honey and cinnamon in a glass of water.
Doris, Ghana
6 Jan 2010
Carl, United States
18 Dec 2009
My eczema flared up last night and everything that i used did not work. Then I remember my co-worker had gave this article about honey and cinnamon how it works on the skin disease, so I tried it by following the directions and applied it to the affected area and after leaving on for about five minutes the irritation went away. So it really works.
Janet Foster, United States
29 Nov 2009
I started using the mixture a few months ago to cure a fungal infection on my skin. It worked wonders!
Also, I used to have a constant runny nose but it’s all gone now, it sure beats taking pills!!
Beverley, Botswana
24 Nov 2009
I have been using the mixture for one year. My sexual life has improved. My body weight is still standard.
Georges Semaan, Nigeria
24 Nov 2009
I have been using raw honey produced at an apiary near me for allergies and I no longer need medications. The hill behind my house is full of ragweed and I don’t sneeze from it anymore. I put 1 tablespoon in each of my 2 cups of tea each morning.
My husband has COPD and he has been drinking an 8 oz glass of warm water with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. His lung function has improved.
Barbara, United States
17 Nov 2009
Hi, I just started taking the Manuka honey with cinnamon, mostly for severe digestion problems! I am hoping it will help and I will post back after time but was excited to report how good I slept last night! I have not been sleeping due to hormones (pre-menopause) but slept like a baby and woke at 7 AM ready to go!! YAY has to be the honey & cinnamon.
Karen, United States
13 Nov 2009
Honey and cinnamon works, I used it awhile back to lose weight and I dropped close to 10lbs…also now I have been mixing honey and cinnamon with hot milk everyday for me and my kids and none of us have gotten sick yet unlike my husband who refuses to drink it and is now sick for the second time within a couple of months.
Rayna, United States
23 Oct 2009
Honey mix with Cinnamon is Natural magical, combination, taking Earle morning with empty stomach along with a glass of water.
Try it you will know the deference. Time will tell the deference. You will come to know that. Time has told the deference within a weak.
John Abraham.P, Kuwait
20 Oct 2009
Honey used in a mixture of warm cinnamon apple cider has dramatically decreased sore throats and improved loss of voice for me in the past. I believe in the use of these two truly amazing naturally found substances as home remedies! Thanks for educating me on the various other beneficial properties of honey and cinnamon!
Jennifer, United States
25 Sep 2009
My husband was suffering from gout and it would hit him anytime, anywhere for many years. Every time he gets an attack, he would go for inflammatory injection and it had become very often until we met a friend who gave us the mixture of honey and cinnamon. He takes it once a day in the morning only and he has never got any gout attack. Now it’s 2yrs. It’s amazing.
Gladys, Uganda
23 Sep 2009
I’ve just started taking honey cinnamon and I have to say it does work. I wish I’ve known about this sooner. It’s good for weight loss and other ailments.
Meritha, United States
18 Sep 2009
Hi babes. Yesterday a friend told me about this mixture for skin cleansing, and at 6 this morning I made my mixture and also got on the net just to check it out(its the price one pays for being lonely) and I couldnt believe the list of cures this could be of benefit. Thought you might want to try it out – for the colds and ulcers and see if it works. They recommend RAW honey instead of pure and cinnamon sticks. Enjoy!
Wally, South Africa
3 Sep 2009
My mother-in-law suffered from Alopecia (hair loss disease) and I told her about the honey/cinnamon/hot olive oil recipe for hair loss and her hair has grown back. Her doctor is shocked. He had her on prescription medication and topical shampoos that had little or no effect. I’m a believer!
Amy, United States
2 Sep 2009
Kim, United States
23 Aug 2009
I make a fruit salad with fresh fruits(apples, berries, etc), dried fruits (raisins, dried papaya, etc.) and nuts, then I drizzle on honey and cinnamon and sometimes ground nutmeg and cloves. It’s tasty and healthy.
Shoshana, Canada
17 Aug 2009
My brother-in-law has rheumatoid arthritis and has suffered many years of pain, swelling and discomfort from this disease. He has taken so many pills and finally decided that none of the medicine prescribe by his doctor were working so he stopped taking everything except for the anti inflamatory meds.
Five years went past and he was sufferring more and more from the discomfort of the pain and swelling and stiffness.
My husband was talking about this to a friend he works with and was given a print out his friend had about using Honey to help with joint pain and swelling. My brother-in-law decided to try it.
The print out advised to take 2 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of cinniamon with a cup of hot water 2 times a day. With in three days my brother-in-law was amazed and the lack of pain he was feeling. He told us that he always carries tylonol with him at work for the pain and that third day he did not even notice any pain and hadn’t realized that he still had the tylonol in his pocket which he says he always ended his day with no tylonol left.
He was almost pain free and had continued to take the honey drink 2 times a day now for over three months. I have since passed it on to many of my friends.
Sylvia McKinney, Canada
15 Aug 2009
In the morning, I take coffee with honey, cinnamon and few drops of lemon. It keeps me fresh.
Shakeel Ahmad, United Arab Emirates
10 August 2009
I am a red wine drinker and consume three quarts per week.
I balance the effects if any of the alcohol by indulging in a two bread slices of honey spread and cinnamon every day….for the last two years. I am in perfect equation to my body requirements and suggest you try it too. I am more energetic at the end of the day than my other batchmates.
Neville Stephen, India
3 July 2009
I have been taking honey & cinnamon for about 3 weeks & find that it does help my arthritis. Hope it also helps my cholesterol. I just wondered if anyone knows if mixing the honey & cinnamon & then just eating it on a spoon will hurt your throat (from the cinnamon?) I have not been putting it in the hot water.
Jeanette, United States
20 Jun 2009
I have started taking honey and cinnamon for reducing weight. It gives quick results. I feel more energetic and hava also reduced pain in my legs. Looking forward to inches loss soon.
Sonali, India
9 Jun 2009
This is the best remedy I have ever found for weight loss in my life! No effort at all,no need to alter your diet – lost 6kgs in 6wks, am as happy as a lark!
Llennifer, South Africa
24 May 2009
I currently use RAW HONEY as an alternative to Dr prescribed medicines containing silver for the treatment of veinus ulcers in my lower legs. Alternating honey and the prescribed drugs, I have found that healing is elevated several times faster than just prescribed medicines. Hope this posting is read by someone that suffers with veinus ulcers or other hard to cure sores.. and no, I am not diabetic.
Plus, I have just started using the honey and cinnamon, but have for years eaten at least a tablespoon of honey everyday just for what it gives back.
We make it a daily thing to add pieces of broken cinnamon sticks to our coffee grounds when making morning coffee.
John, United States
15 May 2009
Sprinkle a little cinnamon in some Honey Nut Cherrios. Tastes amazing.
Benefits: None so far. Just discovered this upon curiosity towards other things that tasted good with cinnamon and honey. Glad I found this!
Jeremy, United States
23 Mar 2009
I sleep like a baby when I use honey and cinnamon.
Ulene, Jamaica
6 Mar 2009
I drink my coffee with honey & cinnamon in the morning and feel great for hours. I used to get tired and then have an upset stomach after drinking coffee. Not anymore since I substituted honey for sugar.
My son had a bad sore throat and suffered for days until I remembered reading that honey was good for sore throats…among other things.
I am a true believer in honey!
Elizabetha, United States
13 Jan 2009
I recently became interested in the benefits of raw honey. Overwhelmed by the various ways to use it, I chose to start out on a simple recipe: Plain raw honey by the tablespoon about 3 times a day. I am now on my second jar. I started out with a blood pressure of 140/90 and after three days my BP dropped to 110/60, then to under 100/60. I feel much better knowing this has helped me stray from blood pressure medication.
Also the raw honey puts me straight to sleep at night. I havent slept at night since 1999. I am a day sleeper, work nights (when I work). So needless to say, I have finally found my honey.
Julie, United States
8 Jan 2009
The mixture of cinnamon and honey was effective from the first time. I have taken it 4 times, about 3 tablespoons each time. The stool used to be, prior to that, very hard and with difficulties… this time much quicker but with comfort and ease, although hard.
I am experimenting with this mixture for other benefits, I will let you know in time the outcome…
Pierre Karam, Lebanon
22 Nov 2008
It totally cured my ulcer and stomach ache. I was taking honey daily with cinnamom and luke water. Thanks to God for creating such a great blessing for us. It is absolutely amazing. It was in its starting face. I had Helicobacter pylori and it made some damage in my stomach. I also was suffering from acid refulx and indigestion.
I started recovering around one to two weeks, after taking the honey and cinnamon mix with luke water. I was taking that in the morning before breakfast, mid-day and evening. The thing is that I am still taking the honey and cinnamon till now. I stayed around one month without taking the drink and then I had the pain again.
Therefore, I make sure that I drink it every day almost. Not as frequently as before but on average once every other day. In addition, to the drink, of course, the normal precautionary actions such as not eating late, not eating too much, not eating meat so often, were strictly followed. Honey, cinnamon and water worked wonders for my well-being in general.
Ahmad Refai, Jordon
19 Nov 2008