allergy treatment

Natural Allergy Treatment & Honey [5 Useful Q&As]

Here’s a collection of questions related to Allergy Treatment and Honey that visitors of Benefits of Honey have asked via the Just Ask Page.

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allergy treatment with honey poster

Question 1: Some people said “Have you ever heard that one must NOT mix soy drink with honey? That is bad for your health!” Have you heard of that or just another “Asian’ myth?

Reply: Yes, I have been warned before that honey should not be taken with any soy-made foods, such as soya bean drinks, toufu, bean curd, etc, as the mixture could produce some toxins which in turn would lead to stomach upset and diarrhea. I’ve no idea how true this as I have never encountered this problem myself and the people around me also don’t seem to have a problem with it.

Question 2: How much honey per day should I eat to reap the benefits for fighting spring time allergies?

Reply: Take 1-2 teaspoons of local honey a day, prior to the pollen season. The nearer the honey source to the area you are residing in, the better.

Question 3: After eating honey, I have a lot of gas in stomach, and had to rush for the toilet a few times. Why is this happening?

Reply: I don’t have a scientific explanation for the severe gas in your stomach, but I have been told by a honey seller before that a minority has experienced temporary setbacks like body ache, fever, flu, diarrhoea or breaking of wind. However all of them were fine after a few days. The honey retailer believed that such reactions are normal; i.e. the honey is working and the body is reacting to the various healing effects of honey. My advice is you can continue taking honey but in smaller doses. If the honey quality is not a suspect, and if the discomfort does not go away after a few days, stop taking honey and consult your doctor.

Question 4: What are the allergy symptoms of honey?

Question 5: I take local honey everyday for my allergies. It doesn’t seem to be helping. Is this theory just a myth?

Reply: Honey is an old home remedy with benefits long known since ancient time even until today. Though many of its applications might not be supported by modern science, many people have tried and found it to be medically beneficial in many ways. On the same note, the use of local honey to counter allergy has been found to be useful for some people. As suggested in my website Honey Allergy , concerning any medical health issues, it’s wise to ask and consult your doctor regarding the use of local honey and also to ascertain that your allergies are due to the pollens in your environment. Your doctor might have a better solution for your allergies than using local honey.

Check out if these answer your most pressing questions.

β€œIt may seem odd that straight exposure to pollen often triggers allergies but that exposure to pollen in the honey usually has the opposite effect. But this is typically what we see. In honey the allergens are delivered in small, manageable doses and the effect over time is very much like that from undergoing a whole series of allergy immunology injections. The major difference though is that the honey is a lot easier to take and it is certainly a lot less expensive. I am always surprised that this powerful health benefit of local honey is not more widely understood, as it is simple, easy, and often surprisingly effective.”

Thomas Leo Ogren, Allergy-Free Gardening
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Related Pages on Allergy Treatment & Honey

1. Should I feed my baby with honey? Read Warning Note on Honey and Infant

2. Is honey safe for expectant mother? All in: Honey and Pregnant Moms

3. Suffering form seasonal allergies? Try local honey. Frequently asked questions: What is Local Honey?

4. How local honey cures Lau who suffered from pollen allergies: Pollen Allergies Cure

5. Are you concerned about being having an allergy to honey. Full account in Any Honey Allergy?

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