hair loss remedy
4 Natural Concoctions for Hair Loss Remedy Using Honey
Frenzied over where you can find an effective hair loss remedy? But wait a minute, do you know what exactly is causing the problem?

The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for two to six years and each hair grows approximately one centimeter every month. It is considered normal for everyone to unknowingly shed about 20 to 100 strands of hair everyday; however, some people experience an excessive abnormal loss of hair.
Whether for men or women, hair falls are definitely no laughing matter. Hair, as our crowning glory, has always made a personal statement in most modern societies that helps individuals establish their personality and style. Losing it can have a negative impact on our self-esteem and confidence, and even generate a feeling of premature aging.
Why are You Losing Your Hair?
There are many different causes of abnormal hair loss.
1) The condition “alopecia” is believed to be the primary cause of both early male and female hair loss. The most dreaded genetic “male pattern balding”, or androgenetic alopecia typically results in a receding hairline combined with hair loss on the crown of the head. Woman’s hair, on the other hand, thin progressively all over the scalp.
2) Imbalance of male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens. For instance, many women have experienced major hair loss just after delivering their baby. During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones in the body keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth resumes. In such temporary losses related to hormones, there is no real need for a hair loss remedy.
3) Medication containing high doses of vitamin A such as those for supplementing diets, blood pressure, gout treatment, contraceptives, and antidepressant. Also, chemotherapy, though preferentially destroy cancer cells, it also can destroy cells responsible for normal growth of hair and nails. That’s why cancer patients sometimes are unable to keep their hair and nails during treatment.
4) Hair loss may occur as part of an underlying health disorder, such as anemia, lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be effectively treated. In the case of thyroid abnormality, whereby the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, hair may fall out excessively.
5) Stress-related reasons. Though not common, after undergoing an illness, a major surgery, menopause, or traumas (e.g. death of a close one), some people experience a sudden loss of hair.
6) Condition of the scalp. Fungal infections or psoriasis of the scalp or hair root can lead to hair loss. This can be treated with antifungal medicines.
Usually, to administer the right hair loss remedy, doctors or dermatologists would first enquire about your diet, any medication you are taking, recent illness, family history, and hair care routines. They may do a physical examination, blood tests or a biopsy of your scalp. Treatments are then given according to the diagnosis.
DIY Honey Remedies for Hair Loss
So far, we have not come across of any promising honey hair loss remedy that permanently cures baldness, nevertheless, there are several folk remedies with honey are known to rejuvenate the scalp and encourage hair growth overtime:

1. Make a paste by mixing olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Apply and massage on the scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off and repeat it for 3-4 times a week.
2. Mix one tablespoon honey with one small glass of brandy or vodka and onion juice; rub mixture into the scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning. According to the Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of healing that originates more than 5000 years ago, a mixture of honey and alcohol can stimulate and promote hair growth.
3. Combine 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of raw honey, and then massage the scalp with the mixture every night.
4. Massage into the scalp and hair honey with egg yolk. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then wash. This is a common natural cure for dull and dry hair.
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3. No need to look for a fancy salon product to manage your tresses anymore: Discover 4 wonders of honey for your hair and scalp.