the benefits of honey 2012

The Benefits of Honey 2012 Postings & Amazing Stories

The Benefits of Honey 2012 Postings

Most Recent Posts: The Benefits of Honey – Amazing Stories

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I’m taking a glass of lukewarm water containing one tsp of honey in empty stomach – it helps in bowl movement and cures constipation.

Dr.Tapas Kr.Chatterjee, Ph.D, India
31 Dec 2012

I have begun an apiary in my coffee farm in the Atitlan zone of Guatemala. So far, we have had problems for lack of training. Our beekeeper was our administrator?s father and he died last year. Vandals knocked over our hives at one point (think I can name the head of that little gang). Now we are struggling to get our operation functioning properly.

We are sending a person to the government training center for several weeks, and I have offered land for them to build a new installation in our farm. I am waiting for my license from the Ministry of Agriculture to extract honey, pollen, royal jelly, and all other products that they license, although I have very little idea how to do any of it YET! Hopefully by this time next year, you will be talking about me!

Sylvia Talbert de Lazo, Guatemala
30 Dec 2012

I have replaced ALL refined sugar, and other sweeteners eg. maple syrup, coconut sugar etc. in my family’s diet with honey. I am making amazing guilt free desserts, and savory dishes using honey. My favourite at the moment being sweetened condensed milk using coconut cream and honey. That’s it.

the benefits of honey 2012 postings

Simmering away for a couple of hours and turning into a rich caramel like substance! YUM. I want to make a pecan pie with it – but – I can’t see that happening with this batch – every time I go to the fridge – it disappears 1 spoonful at a time πŸ™‚ “Ahhh…. my sweet honey. What will I make from you next?”

Heidi Panton, Australia
28 Dec 2012

I love RAW HONEY and enjoy the information on your website, but unfortunately your company is in Singapore . We found a local company in NJ that sells raw honey and local raw honey mixed with beneficial herbs and spices like ginger, black cumin (sativa nigella), cayenne pepper, and others. 

They also have a product where you can customize your raw honey by mixing it with three herbs and spices of your choosing! We have ordered from this place several times and LOVE the fast service and superior quality of the product! Visit for more info and PLEASE keep posting wonderful information on the benefits of honey : )!

Latoya, United States
22 Dec 2012

A few weeks back I had a tooth that became infected. This began on a Friday. Found a dentist on a Friday.I tried peroxide but in three days I got no relief. Sunday night I took 1 Tbls of local honey and again Monday morning. By 10:00 am I could feel the swelling and pain reduce. One more Tbls. Monday night and the infection was gone.

Whit, United States
21 Dec 2012

I have long been including honey in my diet either as a sweeteener for my lemon juice, ginger tea, and other teas. It gives so much more pleasant taste in addition to the real energy-booster enzymes that I get from honey. My vegetable dishes also get a tablespoon or two of honey and really the tastes are much better than the artificial food-taste enhancers available commercially.

Esperanza Libunao, The Philippines
16 Dec 2012

I have honey with cinnamon powder disssolved in water in the morning empty stomach, then breakfast after 1/2 an hour, it really gives boost to my energy levels but also keeps my immune system strong and I feel energetic.

Inderjit Singh, India
16 Dec 2012

Hello, my name is Yolanda and I have a scalp condition, which in layman’s terms means that I have an overgrowth of yeast in my hair which causes my scalp to itch real bad and my hair fell out in the infected areas at the crown of my hair.

Well my sister and her husband told me about the cinnamon and honey paste. I began using it in conjunction with cayenne pepper, olive oil, sea salt and purified water. Well, the first time I used it my scalp tingled and burned a little. After about four hours the burning stopped. 

I left the cayenne pepper mixture in my hair while at work. When I got home I rinsed it out and put the mixture of honey and cinnamon on my hair and rubbed it into my scalp. My scalp has never felt better, not to mention my hair was squeeky clean.

My scalp felt cool and like it was breathing again. The itching went away. My hair feel soft and silky with a natural shine that I have not seen in years. My hair smells wonderful and I feel refreshed every time I use it. It’s like I am completely clean from head to toe.

This mixture of honey and cinnamon along with the cayenne pepper did for my scalp what none of the traditional medicines prescribed to me by the doctor could do…I simply recommend it not only for medical reasons but as a regular treatment for healthy hair as well.

Yolanda, United States
16 Dec 2012

I have been using a recipe of honey and lemon in a half glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach and it has continuously done me good. I used to have sore throat but nowadays I do not. It has helped control my weight. It has also increased my immune from colds that I used to have often.

Linet Nyangasi, Kenya
13 Dec 2012

I had a bad sore throat and all I had was a jar of manuka 100+ honey from Bluehills in Tasmania, Australia.

I took a big tablespoon of the honey and swallow it slowly, leaving it to sit at the throat. I had a glass of warm water after say twenty minutes. After two days, my throat was fine….no doctor, no medicine but manuka..

Gee Lim, Malaysia
12 Dec 2012

I have just recently discovered honey. I have a tsp every day. I have made a face mask which leaves my skin so soft and smooth.

Alesia Goodyear, South Africa
7 Dec 2012

I am diabetic and was told not to have honey but my family had a little amount honey. I guess that’s fine if you put a quantity just to get a taste of honey.
I love honey and I use honey rather than sugar.

Satish Chavre, United States
6 Dec 2012

I am a new beekeeper and LOVE honey – and that was our main reason for starting to keep them. I make a batch of honey and add cinnamon. I use this in hot teas, on oatmeal, etc. Great way to add health benefits and flavor to pretty much anything where a little sweetness is wanted.

Kim Buchanan, United States
5 Dec 2012

I love to take honey with my tea and use it for my kids bread with jam. It’s a fantastic experience.

Adekusibe Aregbesola, Nigeria
5 Dec 2012

I got to experience how a local farmer takes out honey from hives. It might not sound cool, but I’m still so excited I got the chance to. The farmer’s name is Carlos Luis, probably the nicest man I’ve ever met and he’s kept bees for over 30 years.

And at the time, it was especially unheard of around here but it’s provided quite a bit for his family. His youngest son Luis Andres was in my community high school course for the four months it was held and always a pleasure to be around. 

So getting a peak into how he’s spent a lot of his time was really nice.

So I was still recuperating from a bacteria in my stomach when Carlos Luis calls Ernesto’s house to invite me over.

I found that they smoke the crates as they open them and all throughout to calm the bees so that they don’t get upset. Apparently the cells in the middle are usually used to harvest the babies and towards the outside the honey. The top boxes in the stacks are also more likely to have honey and the lower ones babies. So they go through each box verifying each cell and placing the ones with honey in another box they take to the house. 

So we did that until sunset, well actually they did. Luis Andres spraying them with smoke from a little puffer that they put little bits of wood in and light on fire. Carlos Luis checking each cell and switching them to the other box.

We cut up some of the panels into blocks that they give as gift to people who chew on the wax to get all of the honey out. It’s honestly too sweet for me to eat such big chunks of. Then we scrape off the outer layers of wax to then put the panels in this spinning contraption with four panels in each and spin it to get the honey out. Then, they let all of the honey settle and drain it through a fine cloth.

They bottle the honey in gallons or about 21 oz bottles and sell that smaller bottle for $6 each. It’s pretty expensive actually, well comparatively. So for those 2-3 hours of work they make a good bit. But they’re still one of the humblest families I know. They’re comfortable enough to send their oldest son to college and hopefully Luis Andres is on his way there too.

I might be excited since I just got the coolest package from Jessy, but still, the time I spent with them was so great. He just knew so much about every aspect of his job and it still excites him. He’s also a coffee/banana/basically anything farmer. I guess most farmers around here are always excited to tell me about their jobs. 

That’s the beauty about living a life you love. Having a huge grin ear to ear talking about your job even after working it for over forty years. I hope I can find that…

Aya Ebrahim, Egypt
30 Nov 2012

I like it very much from the childhood. It has 100’s of medicinal benefits and also a complete food.

Anil Puggal, India
30 Nov 2012

Hi there, I am Oularia a mother of two daughters. Honey is really a wonder. I have used it so many times on my face and it really works, my skin is so smooth and soft. It can also be used together with lemon. I use Honey to also treat common colds for my kids. I simply blend the red onion, lemon juice and add Honey with a bit of warm water and this is the made home made remedy for my kids.

There are a lot of benefits in using honey and I thought of just sharing a few with you. I have also used honey on my scar I had on my leg, it lightened the scar that it goes un-noticed.

Oularia Daka Mwelwa, Zambia
28 Nov 2012

I used honey in my tea, because sugar is too sweet, and artificial sweetener upsets my stomach. I also use honey on pancakes, biscuits, and French toast. As I get older, everything tastes too sweet if it contains sugar. So honey is a great alternative.

Yvette Peterson, United States
25 Nov 2012

I live in a small town in Polk County, Ga. USA and I love honey. I have always liked honey even in my youth but later in life I fell in LOVE with Honey. My daughter tried ‘beekeeping’ for a while and then had to drop out because of health reasons. I picked it up from her and even though I do not do the beekeeping, I sell local honey from the local beekeepers. I enjoy telling others of the health benefits of honey and enjoy selling honey.

Jerry Putnal, United States
25 Nov 2012

It’s amazing that the combination of Honey and Cinnamon results in shedding my weight up to 5kg in a month without any exercise. It’s really too effective.

Rachna Sharma, India
24 Nov 2012

I have honey, it helps me recover quickly when I fall sick, it boosts immune system, it gives me easy sleep @ nite . It makes me smile after I lick it to remove my depressed mood. I see honey as an healing syrup from GOD, pls use honey every day.

Francis Obungwo, Nigeria
23 Nov 2012

I had infection in my pubic area for a year. I tried so many methods to cure but couldn’t. Recently, I started drinking honey with apple cider vinegar – wow it started getting cured.

Mallika, Singapore
20 Nov 2012

I love honey on fresh homemade biscuits straight out of the oven. Yummy!!!

Shawn Andrews, United States
20 Nov 2012

I have been experimenting with honey in my pizza dough. I find that it not only adds a unique flavor but adds to the texture of the dough and helps in the browning process. I am now just discovering the limitless possibilities of using honey to make dishes my own signature dish.

Ron Dugay, United States
19 Nov 2012

I eat honey every morning on my toast. I prefer honey in tea also.

John Matthews, Australia
15 Nov 2012

Using Warm Milk & Honey to Treat Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Honey has amazing anti-bacterial properties. Making an eyewash with warm milk and honey can help to soothe and treat conjunctivitis. Use equal parts of both honey and milk, making sure the milk is warm (not boiling). Mix together the remedy and keep stirring until the honey becomes smooth in the milk. Use an eyedropper and drop 2-3 drops into your eye several times a day.

Alternatively, you can use this mixture as a compress. The anti- bacterial properties in the honey and the soothing effects of the milk will start to work immediately and within 24 hours your pink eye should be cleared up.

Don Anello, Spain
15 Nov 2012

I am a honey lover. I use honey for my daily face cleaning. I mix it with oil and coffee and make my skin so wonderful and young looking. Honey is also my first aid in winter. I love to eat lime with honey and cider when I feel I’m down with a cold. Honey is fantastic.

Cigdem Yilmaz, Switzerland
15 Nov 2012

Every day when I woke up in the morning, I see that I have put on weight due to lack of exercise which I have stop doing every morning. I remember my grandmother telling me about the effects of honey.. So once I tried consuming honey with lemon with Luke warm water, it was delicious drink to have in early in the morning.

I continued to do the same thing at least for a week. Then I realize I have lost more than a 1 Kg of my weight. I love to drink honey with lemon every morning which it really works out to reduce weight.

Shwetha Chitapur, India
15 Nov 2012

Hi friends, I am taking honey before bed for past 2 days and I was amazed as I was never a morning person and after taking honey before I cud see a change.. I woke with first alarm and that too without any struggle. I am looking forward to see some changes with my weight too. Thanks for sharing this!!

Pooja, India
11 Nov 2012

One table spoon of Honey with 60 ml of Aloe Vera Juice and 100 ml of luke warm water taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is the best remedy for cold cough and develops immune system. Honey increases the potency of Aloe Vera by 3 times.

Hussain T Sabuwala, India
9 Nov 2012

Honey mixed with warm lemon juice helps to reduce weight.

Honey mixed with lemon and ginger juice helps to clear my cold.

Salamatu Adamu, Ghana
9 Nov 2012

The best honey experienced I had I for my flu, as you know, many flu bugs and viruses spread around during winter , one night I had really bad sore throat till it hurts a little when I turn my head during sleeping . So, for consequences 2 morning after breakfast and drinking , and before bed time as well, I put a spoonful of manuka honey in my mouth and let it melt slowly down to my throat.

It really soothed the pain and my sore throat cures in no time , compared to drink cough syrup.

Now that I saw the recipe for weight loss using in conjunction with cinnamon, just started three days ago, I hope will really works ! =)

Sookyee Chin, Australia
8 Nov 2012

I have been taking 2 tspns honey to help me sleep at night, but now someone has told me that it will cause cavities. I sleep well, and would like to recommend it for my grandson who is 4 never sleeps through the night. Can someone tell me if it will cause cavities? Also I want to use it to help OT’s acid reflux problems. Can anyone recommend dose please? (he hates honey!!) I also drink honey & cinnamon tea. Very refreshing.

Jano, Australia
8 Nov 2012

Ruth: Jano, anything sweet, including honey, can cause cavities. But it’s not difficult to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth before bedtime, after you have taken the honey.

Honey before bedtime can help in treating acid reflux. For adults take a tablespoon of honey, and young children 1-2 teaspoons.

Adding cider vinegar to your honey is also known to be an effective remedy for acid reflux. Ref: Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Cure Many Ills

I use it everyday as natural energy booster and to increase immunity.

Tom Blache, United States
6 Nov 2012

I use honey mix with ginger to treat cough. It worked fine for my kids.

Zaheed Mhd, Saudi Arabia
4 Nov 2012

Honey’s NOT for Babies. Babies under the age of 1 years old are not supposed to have honey as they can get botulism from it.

Carol, United States
3 Nov 2012

Ruth: You’re right, Carol. We also have a page on the subject in Warning on Honey and Infant.

I use honey on my face, in my bath water, as a sweetener, in my famous honey salmon recipe, in warm water with apple cider vinegar and I eat raw honey right out of the jar!

Angelina Schneider, United States
3 Nov 2012

I used to be very active in outdoor activities. After back from the activities I used to make a quick honey mask to clean my dull look. The remedy as below

1 tea spoon honey
1/2 tea spoon milk
a pinch of saffron powder

Mix well and apply to face. Wash after 10 min. You could see the glow on your face.

Sivasangari Ramasamy, Malaysia
3 Nov 2012

I usually take a tablespoonful of honey every morning in a glass of warm water mixed with cinnamon, read about it in the web, I have been doing this because of weight loss, it has helped me lose some inches and I am still going strong, it’s been a month now.

Loretta Adhiambo, Kenya
2 Nov 2012

For many, many years I have drank daily a mixture of 1 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/2 cup of honey mixed into 2 quarts of water. I taught public school for 16 years and never had more than just the symptoms of a cold. I used to drink 6 ounces before the evening meal but now that I’m retired I usually just sip it through the day. It’s best cold.

James Cumby, United States
29 Oct 2012

I have a light form of acne. I regularly apply a mask made of honey and lemon juice to keep it in check. No bad surprises in the mornings when I face the mirror anymore πŸ˜‰

Ulrike, Germany
29 Oct 2012

Before I go to bed every evening I take two teaspoon of honey, I wake up de next morning relaxed bubbling with energy…I’ve been doing this for 4 months and it’s cool!

Evans Ansah, Ghana

27 Oct 2012

When I got sick and had a sore throat when I was little my mother would always give me warm honey and milk to drink. It has always made me feel better, and now that I’m older I still make it for myself, but not only when I’m sick. I also drink it when I want to relax before going to sleep. It is tasty and always does the trick.

Also, my family are all big Winnie the Pooh fans, to the point that my mother has a Winnie the Pooh cookbook that has lots of awesome recipes that all of course involve honey. My favorite recipe from it thus far is peanut butter, honey, and bacon sandwiches. They sound kind of odd, but are actually really good. I love trying out new recipes, especially those that include honey.

Lauren Sales, United States
23 Oct 2012

My son broke an arm and because it was a serious injury, the broken bone left two large wounds on both sides of the arm. The hospital used to put honey on the gauze when dressing the wound to aid fast healing and to ensure that scarring was kept to a minimum and the results were amazing.

Agnes, Malawi
18 Oct 2012

I use honey for my weight loss program I started using it 6 months ago when I visited this website. I used to weigh 102kg but now am weighing 92kg I drink a teaspoon full of cinnamon mixed with 1 teaspoon full of honey every half an hr before having b/fast but also as my snack when am at work.

Grace Mwanyongo, Malawi
16 Oct 2012

My baby & me both like honey very much.

Shital Kolhe, India
16 Oct 2012

I can not think of having a morning without honey, my first tea in the morning is always kissed with honey to give me a healthy kick for the day.

Thanks monther nature for blessing us with such wonderful thing called “honey” πŸ™‚

Hosne Ara Loma, Bangladesh
16 Oct 2012

While on my new found kick to increase health I have replaced most sugars with natural honey (as well as going vegetarian) and the health benefits have been manifold. It’s hard to say how much is the honey and how much is the honey, admittedly.

Jonathan Culver, United States
15 Oct 2012

Honey has been part of my diet for 12 years, I use honey and pap with lemon as face mask, and it has done beautifully well for my face.

Gbonju Awojuyigbe, Nigeria
13 Oct 2012

I have diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome, which affects the lymph nodes.

I saw information concerning the lymph nodes on your web pages, which intrigued me.

I have been a honey user for many years, so this is music to my ears.

Betty Shebek, United States
12 Oct 2012

I use honey as an essential in my breakfast everyday. Also honey added to a glass of milk every night. This is my routine since years. Honey gives made me resistant to common cold, cough and many viral infections frequently spreading.

Ateeq Iqbal, Saudi Arabia
8 Oct 2012

I’ve been using honey in a wonderful tasting health-shake in as energy boost in the afternoon in place of coffee: Emergen-C raspberry multi-vitamin pack with 1 cup water, 1/4 banana, 3 fresh strawberries, 3 heaping tablespoons Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey. Mix well in blender or handheld high speed mixer. I haven’t had a cold in two years, incredible energy boost and actually have lost about ten pounds that I attribute to this shake curbing my appetite an avoiding mid-day snacks.

Timothy, United States
7 Oct 2012

I use honey as a skin treatment on my face and it softens, helps heal acne, and after a few weeks of using honey and raw olive oil as a cleansing wash instead of store bought soap my skin is much improved!

I mix one part honey and one part oil and use it as a cleanser by massaging it onto my face(I rub it over my entire face including my eyelids and ears!! It sometimes stings but when I rinse it stops) I then rinse it off to remove dirt and impurities and reapply and leave it on for 30 minutes as a mask. 

My hands are also much softer! Honey also eventually helps with scaly skin, redness, and it even brightens the skin tone!

I also notice that when I use the mask my eyes feel less tired.

I use it instead of refined white sugar and it does not make my tummy hurt like white sugar can.

I make yummy energy bars by mixing honey, agave nectar syrup, organic peanut butter, sunflower seeds, flax, raisins, chopped dates, organic puffed rice cereal, and granola. These give both immediate and long lasting energy! Sometimes I will add organic chocolate for a very special treat!

Even though honey gives me energy, it also sweetens my nighttime chamomile tea but does not keep me up like white sugar would!

I have used honey on burns with great success! Honey soothes and heals πŸ™‚

I love honey! Bees are a gift from God πŸ™‚

Marina, United States
6 Oct 2012

I’ve been eating honey for more than 20 years and I am still taking it now. Mix a one table spoon honey with a glass of warm water, drink it before breakfast (empty stomach), and if possible one teaspoon before going to bed and you will have a good night sleep. This is my experience thru out my whole life…

Crispin Uy, The Philippines
4 Oct 2012

My mother likes honey very much. My father used to eat honey alot, and benefited from it very much. He died at the age of 90 years, and probably he lived that much because of honey. He used to take one tablespoon, three times a day.

Hala Saleh, United States
2 Oct 2012

My husband received an email listing several honey and cinnamon remedies. I mixed a thick paste of honey and cinnamon and now use it on toast, dissolved in hot water and taken on an empty stomach a few times a day. I have a lot more energy now, am eating less and hoping for weight loss, better immunity, longevity and lower blood pressure.

I am jazzed about the benefits of honey and starting to stock up… buying a quart a week from the Farmer’s Market. I plan on honey being my medicine!

Patricia Pettit, United States
1 Oct 2012

I sweeten my tea with honey!

Rolanda, South Africa
30 Sep 2012

For quite some period of time, I have found myself keeping a container of honey with me. Wherever I feel like eating, I just get a scoop, at least two to three.

Boniface Mbondola, Kenya
25 Sep 2012

I was just reading about all the benefits. I didn’t know there were so many. I just love really love honey. I am taking sugar out of my diet and would like incorporating honey as my main sugar source. Yummy honey. I just had it in my oatmeal and it was delicious!!!

Shawnette Gordon, United States
25 Sep 2012

I recently suffered from a long bout of bronchitis. None of the cough syrups worked and I needed to get sleep. I suddenly remembered when I was a little girl the time I had a cough and my Grandmother gave me a spoon of honey instead of cough syrup. 

At the time I was so happy for getting the honey, my Grandmother was happy the cough stopped without medicine! I took a tablespoon of honey and it worked! I now keep some in the house on reserve if my grandchildren are staying with me and not feeling well.

Terri Bruch, United States
24 Sep 2012

I add honey to natural Greek yogurt to offset the sourness of yogurt. This improves the flavor when I add berries.

David Irwin, Australia
23 Sep 2012

I take my honey with lemon and water first thing some mornings, it help me to eat less for those day. I also put honey on every wound on me and my children and it works magic!

Cassandra Nze, Nigeria
22 Sep 2012

Honey is one of the best natural remedy for a healthy works wonders for all diseases. We take honey every day in the morning with warm water.

Zoobedah Mamode, Mauritius
22 Sep 2012

I had electile dyfunction and a friend advice me to mix boiled onion juice with honey and I am now feeling great in my sexual life.

Frank, Ghana
19 Sep 2012

I used to have some mild stomach ulcer and a friend who works at the hospital told me to use natural honey and I did that. I don’t feel the pains again…

Doreeter, Ghana
17 Sep 2012

I am a weight watcher and one of my favorite snacks is to make a banana split, using a cut up banana, top with sliced almonds, drizzled with raw honey and a dollop of whipped cream and and several chocolate chips…delicious!

Maureen Dinverno, United States
16 Sep 2012

Coming from a family of 3rd generation beekeepers, I have been exposed to honey and the process of beekeeping since an early age and have participated in various techniques and honey packaging, tasting and cooking. 

Throughout my life it has been by far the best source of instant energy and has many beneficial health benefits, an example of how honey can improve and sustain life, energy and over-all good health is the life of my grandfather, 84 years old and still physically working the bees.

Paige McDonald, Australia
16 Sep 2012

I was very ill with Bronchitis just this week. I don’t like to go to the Dr. if I can get out of it.

My next door neighbor had the same thing and her Dr. gave her Antibiotic, but told her to take 2 TBSPs of Honey every 8 hours. Said he does and it works. Her Antibiotic did not do anything. But the honey worked for her.

I was getting worse so I decided to try the honey. She said it worked better with 1 TBSP every 4 hours so I did it. This is the 4th day since becoming ill and I feel so much better!! Sinuses and cough and congestion has greatly decreased. It is amazing!!!

Donna, United States
16 Sep 2012

I love the taste of honey, usually only have it myself for coughs but give it to my son on a daily basis before breakfast – it’s Manuka honey with aloe vera for his eczema. Whenever its been applied to his skin for bad flare ups – it has made a big difference to the feel/look of his skin.

Uzma Mukhtar, United Kingdom
15 Sep 2012

I was at weight 268 pounds, I used the cinnamon-honey remedy to lose wait and I was able to lose 80 pound, and maintained my weight at 189. Changed my eating habits. My cholesterol for first time in my life is normal and at 66 yrs old my heart problems are over I maintained with a honey and cinnamon toast.

Jorge Quinones, Puerto Rico
14 Sep 2012

I get to use honey whenever we can afford it. It is quite expensive (i.e. original honey) but when we buy the EU ones which are usually the best options, my husband drops sugar and uses it all up.

I have 2 reasons I love using honey.

1) I am Muslim and we are told in our holy book that it their is healing in the bellies of bees.

2) When I had my first child, I had breastfeeding problems and the hospitals here don’t have milk banks. I wanted something nourishing and I wasn’t crazy about formulas so I decided to use honey and water because I believed in it as medicinal. 

My sister who is a doctor said no honey before first year, I also read it but I was desperate! I fed my baby honey water till she was about five months then introduced cereals. Nothing went wrong with her and she has been my biggest baby so far.

The best part of it is that she has never been down with a cold (maybe a cough in harmattan) but nothing serious that I’d have to take her to hospital. This, I attribute to her honey intake as a neonate.

Titilayo Ashabi, Nigeria
14 Sep 2012

My husband will always sneezed every time. I read one of your news letter where a reader had testified honey healing her relative of sinus after taking honey for a year . I tried it for my husband for some months now and am experiencing tremendous changes in him.

I always continue to enjoy reading your articles. Keep up the good work.

Linda Sedor, Ghana
12 Sep 2012

I had bad pain in my back and hand I read an article about honey and vinegar. It improves my sleeping pattern and also helped my pains. I also go to the toilet regularly!

Francilene Jacobs, South Africa
12 Sep 2012

I got used to taking honey in good quantities after undergoing stomach ulcer surgery in 2003. The healing properties in honey worked magically on the wound and it healed up faster than imagined. It’s wonderful using honey as food and nutrition supplement.

Ayomide Olabode Ajayi, Nigeria
11 Sep 2012

My husband had terrible problem with colitis. Nothing worked, until he began taking a spoonful of honey every night. Stopped it completely, it is a life-saver for anyone with this debilitating condition.

Cindy, United States
9 Sep 2012

Ruth: Thanks so much for sharing this, Cindy!

Honey is my favorite sweetener, as well as an excellent remedy for so many things in our home. Anytime a sore throat begins, I will make a tea of honey, fresh squeezed lemon and Ginger and sip it several times a day. It works wonders. I’ve used it in bed sores, covering with a tegaderm and watched them heal. 

We use raw honey as long as we can find it. My favorite honey ever tasted was in Ecuador, where it was made from the incredible wild flowers there. Oh how I’d love to have more of that!

Nancy Riedesel, United States
9 Sep 2012

I don’t really have a story, I was watching DR.OZ and saw and heard how pure honey is suppose to be healthy , help with weight control, skin care, the list goes on and on. So I brought me some and aIM waiting so see what happens.

Lora Lee Vielhuber, United States
7 Sep 2012

Honey keeps me glowing on every day application on the sun exposed skin and a regular intake of honey with lime keeps me fresh and energetic.

Cindrella Princi, India
7 Sep 2012

I use honey for most of my dishes. I also use it for face scrub and with tea in winter to prevent me from flu. But I would like to explore more about honey and therefore expand my knowledge!

Marlene Cauich, Malta
7 Sep 2012

My boyfriend is a beekeeper and I helped him produced approx. 1 tonne of honey this year. I use the honey instead of sugar, for example, I put it my tea and coffee. I put honey with small pieces of honey comb in my Frappe. I love to spread honey on toast with butter, it’s delicious!

Androulla Antoni, Cyprus
5 Sep 2012

I never like honey before…to me it taste a bit weird…Since I got an asthma a few months ago and people told me that honey is one home remedy for asthma patient. I became obsessed with it and finally I realize it taste so delicious. I never skip honey in my daily meal, and I kinda put honey in every dish I cook and I finally quit taking sugar cane and switch it to honey.

Poppy El, Malaysia
5 Sep 2012

I’m just starting using more honey in my family’s diet. I was diagnosed with pernicious anemia last year and suffered from debilitating exhaustion. I’ve heard so many good things about the benefits of bee products that I thought I would try this out!

Julia Sungaila-Needham, Canada
4 Sep 2012

Every time someone may have a cold I always make honey and tea and it really seems to work but now that I know more about honey I will be using it everyday!

Ellecia Terry, United States
3 Sep 2012

I read that honey before bed increases the melatonine production, then I deceide to take a table spoon of honey before bed and I get a nice dreams.

Daniel Ceron, Mexico
1 Sep 2012

Being new to the world of honey, I am constantly seeking alternatives to sugar. My favorite recipe to date is to puree one avocado, add 3 tbl honey and 3 tbl cocoa power (high quality) … this is a very rich desert that I can only eat a small amount at a time to satisfy my chocolate need while staying away from processed foods. Yum!

Diane Trombley, United States
30 Aug 2012

Honey is a testament to The Garden of Eden… it maintains ur health n heals when ur sick… helps prevent stomach illness, heart n stroke, keeps the brain in good condition. EAT HONEY everyday… thanks to The Creator of the Garden of Eden.

Craig, Indonesia

28 Aug 2012

I have used a combination of honey and cinnamon as I had a really bad bout of colds and flu. My grandfather urged me to give it a try. At first I did not feel or see a difference but after day 2 my sniffle had dried up and could see a change.

I have never stopped using the “drink” and haven’t had a cold since.

Bronson Vos, South Africa
27 Aug 2012

Honey has done wonders for my skin.

Mia Cotenas, United States
27 Aug 2012

I use Honey with stone ground dijon mustard to make a wonderful marinade for grilled chicken for grilled chicken sandwiches and salads.

Linda Gring, United States
26 Aug 2012

I have used honey with basil leaves to make a paste form. I am surprised to see the benefits, my stomach ulcer heals in few day. I really like honey.

Anil Puggal, India
25 Aug 2012

I have just found this site today!! I had no idea that honey and cinnamon could be such a miracle for so many different things!! I really need it for several things-skin, weight loss, cholesterol, and still more to help to fight diseases!

Angela Akin, United States
22 Aug 2012

I grew up on a farm in Ohio and my father always had honey bees. Honey has been a part of my diet as long as I can remember. I am a fitness enthusiast, I just really enjoy it. I am by no means a giant of a man, about 6 ft 225 pounds,I have about 6 % body fat. I have had great success in athletics. My preworkout? 2-3 tablespoons of honey and the juice of a whole lemon. 

Things I have done athletically well, I have powercleaned 405 pounds, deadlifted 600 lbs, squatted 700, benched 365, I can run a 4.4 second 40 yard dash, and I have run a total of 35 miles at one time. Obviously I work at these things, and I grew up working very hard on a farm. I also think honey has played a part in it, it does increase the blood flow in the body and honestly I have always thought of it as a magical compound. I take it before every workout and every rugby game.

Luke, United States
22 Aug 2012

Ruth: I may not know what all those numbers in your workouts mean exactly, but I can relate immediately to why you have described honey as a “magical compound”! Thanks for sharing, Luke!

I started using honey in the 1970’s as friends of mine kept bees. We would stop by in the afternoon for tea and coffee and my friends only kept a bowl of honey on the table, no sugar or sweetener. The taste was terrific in tea or coffee, and my friend used honey in all her recipes instead of sugar. I got in the habit of sweetening drinks with honey and later got a few others to do the same. Since then I have used honey in many recipes and continue to do so.

Cyndi Barrett, United States
21 Aug 2012

I love honey with lime juice every a.m and p.m and add little honey with my body cream gives me a glowing skin.

Tomisin, Nigeria
19 Aug 2012

As a enthusiast on eating healthier, I have switched from using processed sugars and switched to honey in many of my dishes that call for sugar. My favorite is using Orange Blossom Honey when making sweet/sour sauce with a dab of tabasco sauce.

Mario Hugo, United States
17 Aug 2012

I am a 2 year beekeeper. This year I was able to extract honey from my hives. My husband and I have always had sleeping problems until we started to eat honey. I am in the process of removing all sugars except for honey from my diet.

I’m in my mid-forty and have gained 20 pounds in the last 10 years. I’m trying to see if this small change will help my weight line in addition to our improved sleeping.

Laurie Dotson, United States
13 Aug 2012

When I mix Raw honey with raw cashews, raw almonds, organic raisins, organic cinnamon, and raw cacao, it increases weight loss.

Not sure what it is. I thought it was the honey because I have never ate it before then. I can eat that all day, and my body loves it!

Alakea, United States
10 Aug 2012

I put honey on my dry skin to soften it.

I eat honey almost everyday because I have always found it more enjoyable than sugar!

Sometimes I eat it right off the spoon!

Kesondra Drayse, Canada
7 Aug 2012

I started honey mix with amla juice (“Indian Gooseberry”. I found that my sexual power better than before. It covered erectile dysfunction weakness, increase libido and sex drive. it is a reality. Try this mixture (30ml amla juice mix with 2 tablespoon honey) twice a day.

Gagan, India
7 Aug 2012

I have started using Australian wild honey in recipes in lieu of sugar and have found the results most satisfactory. The finished dish or cake is not too sweet, but has that delicious mellow honey flavor of the wild honey in the dish and is of course much healthier I believe.

I usually use a tablespoon of honey in lieu of the sugar and mostly work by trial and error, usually with the required results. I am getting more adventurous and using honey wherever I can, avoiding sugar altogether.

William Maconachie, Australia
4 Aug 2012

Treble gargling for sore throat and tbs of honey to prevent coughing and on salads with variety of fruits. Also for a facial.

Dorothy Bastine, United States
2 Aug 2012

I am a honey lover. So far my favorites is manuka and hadramaut from Yemen. I think there are the best. Recently, I went to a small village in Indonesia. I found this honey which I cannot put in the bottle.. even when packed in plastic, the plastic melted…I don’t know what honey it is but I can tell you it’s ALIVE..

Norazmi Hairudin, Malaysia
2 Aug 2012

My family are recently knowing the magic world of the honey. My dad have several beehives, and he is a queen producer and a new exporter of this.

Mauricio Baeaeza, Chile
1 Aug 2012

I had started a diet plan to help me reduce weight I got stuck on 80 and was losing hope… generally lemon and water doesn’t suit me at all… since I suffer from acidity.. so I started adding a teaspoon of honey to it and viola… it suits my stomach… it gives me a boost every morning to go walk and also I reduced below 80 soon….

Ankita Agarwal, India
29 July 2012

I felt energy loss and could not do things faster and after having honey with milk, I felt some improvement. I am doing this for the past one month.

Uma Sri, India
28 July 2012

I have used honey and lime for the flu and it has worked wonders, also I have used honey and garlic for chesty coughs for both me and my kids and it works extremely well.

Sharleen Verdant, Saint Lucia
25 July 2012

I’m a beekeeper, and I use honey for everything, food, as medicine, as spirits, as desserts. Love to cook. I like to teach my students beekeeping and all the benefits of the bee products. Sometimes my class is about tasting different honeys. I’m also know as an apitherapist, Founder of the Federaci?n de Apicultores Puertorrique?os Sustentables, y la Academia de la Apicultura Tropical (Tecnica Y Industrial) (Tropical beekeeping School).

George Quinones, Puerto Rico
22 July 2012

I use honey as a sweetener in oatmeal which gives a nice flavor to it. Also it helps in maintaining my weight.

Kavi Selva, India
19 July 2012

Honey provides a perfect substitute to the processed sugar in our food and also considered a natural source of food that is very close to nature. I enjoy honey for it’s natural sweetness which is added onto my food.

Terry Wong, Australia
18 July 2012

Honey is an excellent remedy for irritable eyes. I have proven it repeatedly. Method: Mix 1 tsp of honey with 1 tbsp of warm water and rinse infected eye. Repeat this in the a.m. and p.m. for 2 days and you will see the difference. Your eyes will be rid of cold and redness.

Dropping undiluted honey directly into your eyes is the perfect way but it burns.

Recently, I was getting “red-eye” and I used undiluted honey in the a.m. and p.m. for 3 days and it was gone whilst another co-worker was off the job for 2 weeks.

Natasha Bryan, Trinidad and Tobago
13 July 2012

I used honey for my daily intake in the last 20-25 years. I used in my breakfast with bread, one spoon before my bed, and sometimes with lemon juice. I have got healthy life.

Abayt Tadesse, Ethiopia
12 July 2012

I use bee honey in two ways at home. One is for losing weight. I have lost 2kg. Every morning I drink bee honey mixing with warm water. And I use as face pack by mixing orange peel power and bee honey. I have got results it helped me to reduce marks on my face.

Nishani Paertel, Sri Lanka
12 July 2012

I am a Muslim and in our Holy Quran honey is mentioned and praised as a liquid which contains healing to human beings, and since my childhood I used to eat honey almost everyday and I rarely visited a doctor. I am 58 and I did not visit a doctor for the last two years. Thanks to Our Lord.

Mutasem, Israel
11 July 2012

I have always been having problems with indigestion and constipation, but ever since I started using honey its been amazing! Honey is really great!

Afoma Ezeani, Nigeria
11 July 2012

I used applied honey on my face one day for about twenty minutes and washed my face afterwards. My face was so smooth and glowing.

George Boifio, Ghana
11 July 2012

I like honey spread on bread for breakfast.

Carol Frances, United States
10 July 2012

I use honey to make soap, to sweeten tea and drinks. I have also used it as medicine for cold and sore throat relief. It is effective. Though I know you asked about honey use, I have also used a propolis cream for relief of cold sores.

Edith Vanterpool, United States
9 July 2012

In winter, I make a mixture of boiled water, ginger, honey and lemon juice. Great for flu, coughs and sinus, hay fever.

Minakshi Naranjee, South Africa
9 July 2012

Honey has always been my sweetest accomplice in my culinary recipes or home-made face-packs due to it’s easy availability in most countries and long shelf life. Also it’s usability in normal state, just pour some from the bottle and simply use it! I love to make a tea using honey and cinnamon for many health benefits. 

Also a face-pack using honey, chick-pea paste and lemon is my favorite for all weathers for a glowing look! Truly honey’s my best loved ingredient from the kitchen for it’s taste, medicinal property and beauty treatment.

Asha Kalyanpur, Qatar
2 July 2012

I use honey to make an all natural iced-tea. Brew tea extra strong, add lemon juice and honey to taste. Fill glasses half full of tea and add ice to the top.

All natural, no additives, preservatives, or aluminum cans!

Leona Doerksen, Canada
27 June 2012

Honey makes very good masks.

Aanchal Dhingra, India
27 June 2012

My husband introduced me to honey, I feel more energetic after consuming it everyday.

Sophia Yus, Malaysia
26 June 2012

I am suffering from high blood pressure, asthma and chronic constipation and blood sugar. When I saw your site and read it very carefully and I start taking honey and amala juice, after fifteen days, clinically I found my blood sugar is normal, bowel is normal, running blood pressure is normal and I found my asthma problem is also 30% normal, it may be cured after one or two months. 

Thanks for giving so useful articles in your site.

Ashok Kumar Tiwary, India
25 June 2012

Honey is just awesome I take it daily night before going to bed and it results in making my skin smooth and soft and I feel more energetic too.

Madhunika Kumari, India
22 June 2012

I love honey. I take a few tablespoons every morning, in my tea, for baking. It has help me a great deal. Both in health and otherwise.

Chizo Ugoji, Nigeria
21 June 2012

I just started taking raw honey and bee pollen as a part of my daily routine. I love it. The honey tastes incredible and it is helping my indigestion. The pollen gives me so much energy, it is amazing. I am really a new found bee lover!

Michelle Russell, United States
20 June 2012

Manuka honey cured my blepharitis and dry eye after one whole year of trips to the doctor and all sorts of creams , it is wonderful stuff . I just put a table spoon full in boiled cooled water and pored it over my eyelids twice a day and woooooooooooooooooooooo I never looked back

Carol Lynch, Ireland
20 June 2012

I started my vinegar and honey remedy and after only one week I feel and see the results.

Howard Weldon, United States
16 June 2012

I mix honey in nearly all of the foods I make- I consider it as a basic beneficial ingredient, and THE sweetener. I have truly improved my lifestyle for the better.

Y. Z., United Kingdom
15 June 2012

When I make sweet potato it is part of it, I usually mix raw honey, fine almonds and milk as a lovely body and facial scrub. I drink honey in all my tea and my treat for the day is a piece of toasted rye bread with honey and grated cheese.

Rene Bosman, South Africa
14 June 2012

I mixed honey and dates vinegar and take it in the morning as cure for my migraine. I sometimes take honey before going to bed.
In my family we in fact take honey in place of sugar. Honey in our daily cooking too.

Best food ever.

Nor Aini Adnan, Malaysia
13 June 2012

Lifelong ‘allergy sufferer’…local raw honey has given me relief of many of my allergy symptoms. The stories about honey & allergy relief are accurate… at least for me. Give honey a try…

Richard, United States
12 June 2012

I had a cold with a awful cough. To sleep my husband would give me a Tablespoon of honey every night. I hated it because it was so sweet and thick..but I got it down…it helped so much to not only to stop the cough but get better.. I have honey on toast everyday now.

Jill, United States
11 June 2012

I was diagnosed with yeast infection, for almost a month I was having vagina discharge with a lot of blood in it. Because I react to antibiotics, a friend of mine recommended honey, I started taking raw honey, 1tbs in the morning and 1tbs at night and rubbing a little in my vagina(outer) and in 3days discharge and itching is completely gone.

Rayo, Nigeria
10 June 2012

I am new to using honey I have heard many wonderful benefits–lowering allergy symptoms and sinus infections!

Maggie Kinn, United States
10 June 2012

I have been fasting for close to a month and some days. After I break my fasting I take honey and I still have high energy levels such that I travel long distances on foot as well do heavy work without problems. I also add honey in other food like vegetables as well as custard whilst cooking.

Victor Mkolongo, Malawi
8 June 2012

I eat it raw and it tastes great! When I eat some raw honey just a little while before doing my workouts with weights and other activities (about 2 tbsp at a time), it doesn’t actually make me feel more energetic to begin with (the motivation is mine), but helps reduce that feeling of fatigue during and after. Thank God for all the good things.

Scott, United States
8 June 2012

Hello, I use honey in my smoothie every morning to help with overall health, I also include chia seed and coconut oil. I will be using more honey as I m reading the different uses for it.

Nicole Vaughn, United States
7 June 2012

My son has consistent cough. I mixed honey and onion juice for him. Gave him 2 times a day for 3 days. It worked like magic. He slept well. I mixed 5ml onion juice and 10ml honey. I used forever living product natural honey.

Taiwo Ogunkoya, Nigeria
6 June 2012

Stomach cramps and stomach discomfort especially in the morning, I took a glass of hot water mixed with ginger and 1 table spoon of honey I became ok in a few minutes.

Racheal, Kenya
4 June 2012

I had put on weight after a prolonged sickness, excessive medicines and surgery, doctors told me not to exercise and i had to control my weight as I am figure conscious. One day I remembered the age old remedy of honey and lime in luke warm water. I started taking it in the morning empty stomach and replaced my sugar intake with honey. I have been successful since then in controlling my weight. Honey is wonderous!

Trisha Ghosh, India
4 June 2012

I am a great believer of honey. It has many health benefits. Especially raw honey which still has all the medicinal benefits. Sugar is very bad for you and honey is an excellent replacement for this. I use it in a many dishes even on salads. Combines very well with olive oil. Also very good for use as facial. My favorite mix though is to mash avocado with honey on fresh seed loaf slice!

Rykie Pelser, South Africa
30 May 2012

Honey has helped me to adjust my voice.

I really enjoy it because I know it does no harm to my heath thereby helping me to have a good voice production.

Yamikani Damiton, Malawi
29 May 2012

One of my fond childhood memories, is going to the Minnesota State Fair every year and having a Honey Sundae made with homemade vanilla ice cream and Minnesota raised honey with sunflower seeds sprinkled on top. Mmmm so delicious!

Merry Walkner, United States
27 May 2012

I suffered my asthma for ten years, but when i take honey for 2 months my asthma is gone. I used honey as a sweetener to my coffee every morning.

Jhoe, Philippines
26 May 2012

I have been using honey against wrinkles and aging and the result is that people always wonder why I don’t age. I am now 40 years old, but people estimate my age as 30 years or less. Honey is wonderful.

Abudulai, Ghana
25 May 2012

I was diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes in January 2012 and my blood sugar levels were very high. I started using honey as a sugar substitute straight away. I use it in tea, oatmeal(grits) and whatever needs sweetening. My sugar level has gone down dramatically with the honey and tablets of course.

My husband, who is very supportive, has made banana-bran muffins with honey and they are delicious. I don’t miss out on eating cake and muffins because with honey they are just as tasty and healthier.

Honey and lemon are very good for sore throat and cough. I have used it for myself and my children with very good results.

I suffered many years with sinusitis and since I started using honey it’s like I never had the problem.

Honey is the way forward. I will recommend it to all my family members and friends – diabetic or not.

Liz Kavhumbura, Swaziland
25 May 2012

I use honey every day mixed with Braggs vinegar and warm water in the morning. I use it in my tea and use it when I have a cough or just eat a tbl spoon full when I’m tired. I really haven’t cooked with it I always have a big bottle of raw honey on hand that I get from our local farmers market. I love it.

Lori Farren, United States
24 May 2012

I have experienced the therapeutic power of honey in relieving one of cough. The effect is immediate and amazing.

Tope, Nigeria
23 May 2012

My father grew up during the depression and wasted nothing. So when the bees swarmed that hot, July day into an apple tree nearby, my father (in his 70’s) looked at me pleadingly and said, “I’ll hold the ladder if you’ll climb up there and break off that branch and bring ’em down.” Somehow I did. An awesome experience.

Betty Dotson, United States
22 May 2012

Trying honey at night to improve sleep. Appears to be working. Excited to learn more.

Maxine Warkins, United States
22 May 2012

I have just started to consume honey and now I love eating it.

Sunita Nepaul, Mauritius
22 May 2012

I am new to the honey usage, however I am using it to replace refined sugar to improve my overall health. I understand that the poor health person can become rejuvenated to some degree. I am trying to get more energy mostly. I don’t have a testimony that I can share at this time, however I just started the honey and lemon diet plan.

Robert Gomez, United States
19 May 2012

I had pimples on my face and I was advised to use honey for it. I used it by taking one spoon everyday for the healing of the tissues, and again I rubbed it on my face for some minute and then wash it off later to help clear the pimples and the spots on my face. It worked like wild fire. I love honey.

Chinenye Igbo, Nigeria
19 May 2012

One of the great benefits that we enjoy when adding honey to our diet is weight loss. Honey can help with weight loss when it is used as a way to replace other types of sweeteners. Instead of adding sugar to drinks or cereals, we just add honey instead. But we use it sparingly to cut down on calories.

Sasha Ramsaran, Trinidad and Tobago
19 May 2012

I have come to like honey because of its many benefits which I can not list here. However generally it helped me and my family so much. I have reduced my visits to doctors offices.
I have now even started learning about bees & beekeeping on a large scale. I already own 8 beehives and I eat from my own hives.

Lucas Mwaghesha, Kenya
19 May 2012

Hello my experience with honey was when I was a small kid my mum used to give it to me mixed with mustard oil for cleaning up my inside once in a while. She also used honey in the mornings before breakfast for the same thing.

Henry Stephens, Fiji
18 May 2012

My Grandfather and several people I know raise honey, so it was something we always had on the table, and is a welcome part of most meals.

Caleb Rice, United States
18 May 2012

One day my face was very red and irritated and after cleansing my skin with a gentle cleanser – I placed a thin layer of pure clover honey on my face and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Even though it was sticky, it came off easy as I gently wiped it off with a warm, wet wash-cloth. 

My face felt moisturized and the dermatitis (red-inflammation) went down a little. I repeated this activity the next morning and my face looked even better. The honey calmed, soothed, de-inflamed and moisturized my skin!

Shauna, United States
15 May 2012

Honey with lemon is great for weight loss.

G Sundararajan, India
13 May 2012

I am 17 yrs old… and all i think about is having perfect beauty. I didn’t use to like my skin it was rough, my mom says your skin will start smoothing at the age of 16..then when i reached it was all same. I asked my mom to suggest me some remedy as she was having beautiful skin then she gave me idea of HONEY!!! 

She always go for home remedy as according to her it is the best because it didn’t deal with chemicals and is friendly with our skin. I followed her as she says.

First, in my milk instead of sugar she started adding honey though I hate it but I drank somehow thinking it will help me. Also every night before I sleep she ask me to clean my face with curd and honey mixture. I did this every night. Now I am 17 and trust me my skin is 2 times smoother now.. and above all it glows too πŸ™‚ :). Thanks to mum and her remedies. It really works guys. πŸ˜‰

Malvika, India
12 May 2012

Honey is my energy booster and sweetener. I use it in fruit and vegetable salads and juices.

Alexandra Kukunda, Uganda
9 May 2012

I have had a lot of experience with honey since I was born. I remember when I was young, less than 3 years, my grandmother used to feed me with honey in the hills of Nyika National Park. All we had for wounds treatment was honey.

When I grew up and got a degree in Science I remembered honey again. My wife and I were involved in an accident and honey was our medicine in treating the wounds. At one time I suffered stomach pains and I was told I have deep wounds- ulcers and I was admitted for one week. I was given a lot of artificial medicines but they did not work.

I remembered honey and today I no longer suffer from stomach pains. I use honey daily and whenever I have a sore throat or cough.

I grew up in a community that Honey was part of our food.

Mzonde Chavula, Malawi
8 May 2012

Honey with curd makes good dessert.

Kavitha Rocky, India
7 May 2012

Honey is said to be an adjutant for any sidha medicine. A general remark is that any medicinal effect is multiplied by 100 times without any proportional negative impact when most of the sidha herbal medicines are consumed. HOWEVER NEEDS TO BE TESTIFIED.

Manikandavelu Ramanathan, India
7 May 2012

I use honey before bed to keep me from having a hangover, always wake up feeling great.

Tom Jackson, United States
6 May 2012

Hello, I have just given birth to my baby and I haven’t been able to control my weight at all until I stabled on an article stated that using the honey and lemon in lukewarm every morning helps in weight loss. It’s been a few days and believe me it already feels great.

I just can’t wait to see the results after a while.

Hannah Ronalds, Uganda
4 May 2012

Do not have sugar cravings any more. Helps get rid of fever blisters.

Joy Currie-Black, South Africa
30 Apr 2012

While studying the benefits of honey in an herbalism lecture, I experienced a hypoglycemic crash. My teacher brought me back to myself by giving me a spoonful of honey.

Sacha Martin, Canada
29 Apr 2012

Broke my collarbone in a cycling accident and the doctor says it’s healing much faster than anticipated. I attribute part of it to my daily tea with a large spoon of locally made honey in it! if I don’t get it I feel like something is missing!

Mr Anderson, United Kingdom
29 Apr 2012

I love honey because it makes me healthy. I was suffering from cold I took 2 (two) spoons of honey and I became healed.

Ebuka Ebogha, Gambia
28 Apr 2012

Honey is used when a person is burned. You simply put it on the burned place.

James Rutayisire, Rwanda
26 Apr 2012

I use honey and ACV for my acid reflux…wonderful!

I use honey and full cream yoghurt mixed as a facemask, I am 60 years old and have only a few wrinkles.

I use honey for an upset stomach, work immediately to reduce stomach pains.

I use honey on wounds and open sores, it speeds up the healing.

Wilma Wilson, South Africa
25 Apr 2012

I use honey all the time and colds have stayed away.

Patience Agyeman, United Kingdom
24 Apr 2012

Well, I love honey because it is very nutritious and taste lovely. I usually take 1 spoonful of honey in the morning and it makes me feel fresh and energetic. I also use honey mask to cleanse and clear my face.

Most of all, as a Muslim, there is a specific surah in the Quran which called ‘The Bee’, that also explains about the honey it produce. Our prophet, Muhammad, also mention in his hadith about the benefit of honey to human’s health.

Ili Munirah Sabiyar, Malaysia
24 Apr 2012

I had a bad reaction from using a chemical for cleaning to prevent bed bugs and it complicated my breathing.

Today i woke up and i wasn’t feeling well, tired and heavy breathing. I took a tbls. of raw honey and am feeling much better and have my energy back.

Shirley Dumas, United States
23 Apr 2012

Want to get away from sugar as sweetener. I like honey in hot tea and have been trying the lemon & honey with warm water in the mornings. Seems to be helping me be less acidic.

Mary Twiss, United States
23 Apr 2012

I have become very interested in the Primal and/or Paleo lifestyle of eating. I have always liked honey and have cooked with it occasionally. After reading about these lifestyles and the benefits of honey, I am trying to replace as much sugar as I can with honey. Thank you.

Diana Ely, United States
22 Apr 2012

Through a friend I was advised to boil three cloves garlic in a cup of water add three pinches pepper and one tea spoon honey filter and drink in empty stomach. I did so and my cholesterol level reduced very fast and my weight also reduced. The honey must be added when the water is warm.

Bhasskar M.S.K., India
22 Apr 2012

When suffering from cough and cold I regularly took one spoon of honey with lukewarm water, after few days I was fine.

Muneeb Ur Rehman, India
20 Apr 2012

My experience with honey is beyond measurement because it has been my medicine to treat cough and flu and strengthening my immune system. I’ve been mixing honey+lemon+cinamon+hot water.

Nantumbwe Jane Claire, Uganda
20 Apr 2012

I have been using honey with cinnamon as a tea. I find that apart from being a delightful tea, it helps to relax me, my stomach feels so much better—no acid reflux, and I have lost some weight.

Ormarial O’Connor, Jamaica
19 Apr 2012

Honey really helps in weight loss and gives instant energy.

Veena Soni, India
19 Apr 2012

I have used honey for a couple of years on my face. I use to smear some honey on my face and leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. But now I put a tiny bit on my wet face and rub it in before I retire at night. It makes my face more supple.

Kathy Dougherty, United States
18 Apr 2012

I had experienced honey to be a very potent antibiotic. I also experience honey as a very effective cure for cancerous sores.

Taiwo Shobukola, Nigeria
17 Apr 2012

I make use of honey in my every day life as a sweetener for herbal tea and also use honey directly on my skin as a treatment to scars caused by my beautiful, too playful cat. I also preserve my herbs for herbal tea in honey and then make my herbal tea in such a natural way. Honey is a God given medicine for all of us to use !

Hazel Van Vuuren, South Africa
17 Apr 2012

I am using honey for cough and flu. I want to explore more.

Melody Morei, Botswana
17 Apr 2012

All I knew of honey is ‘spread it on bread’ until I decided to stop using sugar & sweeteners but still craved sweetness. Friend said add lemon or lime juice or any fresh juice or just hot water. No change for 10 days then WOW. Craving had gone, at least 5lbs had gone and I felt rejuvenated which is good as I am 78 years old and help look after my 11 yr. old grandson. It’s a daily habit now and I just love the taste.

Pat Sansom, United Kingdom
16 Apr 2012

I discovered a wonderful euphorbia honey in morocco – really strong and great for sore throats

Jane Bayley, United Kingdom
16 Apr 2012

Every evening I take a half a glass on milk (any milk) I add a 1/4 t cinnamon, a pinch of cayenne red health pepper and a warm the milk. When warm I add 1 teaspoon on blue gum honey then off to bed. I take this night cap , it relaxes by body after a full 18hr shift, and it’s my natural sleeping tablet. (I do not feel tired when waking – unlike a medical tablet.)

Michelle Gouws, South Africa
16 Apr 2012

I like honey spread on bread and between Britania Marie biscuits. I like it because it is natural and comes from various flowers.
I worry about its quality because I know people adulterating it with jaggery ( a product of Sugar cane juice).

Doddapaneni Lokeswara Rao, India
15 Apr 2012

I love honey so much that I am considering getting my own hive. In preparation, I have plans to provide a bee friendly environment on my property over the next year.

Lynn Rogers, United States
12 Apr 2012

Its always difficult to properly sweeten things you crave as a diabetic. Recently I was advised by an old lady at the clinic I attend to use honey and after I became OK with the taste, I found that things I mixed it with (tea, coffee, brkf cereal, etc.) seemed lighter, and I sleep a lot better. I am also more calm and have a lot more energy. It also suppresses my appetite somewhat so my cravings have dropped. 

I’m still struggling with chocolate though. My mom thinks I have a new girlfriend!!!

Rasheed Mohamed, South Africa
12 Apr 2012

I used to have bad sore throat every now and then due to my liking for spicy food. A friend introduced me to drink honey mix with apple cider vinegar whenever I feel the sore throat coming.

To my delight, I felt much better and the sore throat was gone the next day. Ever since then, I’ve been taking honey with apple cider often and have introduced it to many other.

Sherlyn Lai, Malaysia
12 Apr 2012

I am 55 yrs old, 1.63 m tall and 104 kg – obviously overweight, hinging on obesity!

On Saturday I went to the clinic to get treatment for a cough. Routinely I was checked for High Blood Pressure. I was shocked to find that my BP was in frightening figures – 150/90! The nurse immediately wanted to put me in depressants.

My housemate who had accompanied me suggested that before I could go on that medication couldn’t I be observed for at least 4 days. Bless him!

The nurse agreed on the condition that I go for checks every day. Immediately my friend took me to the local supermarket and we bought some honey, vinegar and cinnamon. He started to treat me on recipes containing these three treats.

He encouraged me to reduce on fatty foods just for the four days! I am glad to inform you that I have now lost taste for sugar and other foods that I greatly cherished. I can’t get enough of honey – and , yes my blood pressure was checked yesterday and the results were amazing – 120/80!

I know I will have to work on my weight, and with the positive encouragement from my housemate and the all the honey recipes I am sure I am on the way to recovery and discovery of a wonderful healthy me.

Lucky Chishiki, Zambia
10 Apr 2012

I took the Honey & water mixture, and to my surprise! My senses became sharp again like how it was when I was a child! I can smell sharply again and I can feel the wind blow through my skin, my stomach was detoxified, removing food colors from my tummy. Honey works wonders!!

Just a question, would the body be resistant to its effects if I take it habitually? Thanks!

J Larry Corpuz, The Philippines

9 Apr 2012

Ruth: Hi J., you probably have honey as a medicine in your mind when you asked that question. If you are referring to the honey water fast, perhaps you can do it once a month as a start. When you see honey as a superior form of sugar, you would know what to do with it. 

The idea is to replace refined and artificial sugar with honey in our diet as much as possible, example in sweetening our coffee/tea, lemonade, salad, marinating food, baking, etc. Just as there are good and bad fats, there are also good and bad sugars, and good and bad calories.

I am 27 years old and I have developed a beauty routine using honey as my facial mask and now I look as if am 5 years younger. I also take honey whenever I have a cold or cough.

Jillian Ochoi, Kenya
9 Apr 2012

Honey has been very refreshing for me. I still remember putting honey drops on my tongue and being strengthened.

Antony Thomas, India
5 Apr 2012

I never even tried honey before I was 40 years of age. I now know I really have been missing out. From eating raw honey, to incorporating honey in recipes, to replace the processed sugar. There really is no substitute. I now incorporate honey into everything by replacing part of the sugar with honey as it is healthier, and tastes better. Long live the bees, and the beekeepers, and long may we have honey!!

JJ McE, Ireland
3 Apr 2012

I don’t know if I can completely blame it on the honey or not, as I am on a weight loss journey. I’ve added walking to my daily life, eating more fruit and vegetables, and trying to make healthier choices. One of my more recent changes is using honey as a sweetener for both cooking, and in my tea. I’ve lost almost 10 pounds in the last month since making this change. I feel like I have more energy, and a better complexion since I’ve started using honey rather than refined sugars πŸ™‚

Afton Madore, Canada
3 Apr 2012

Because it is well documented that refined sugar is very unhealthy I have gradually weaned myself off from sugar and replaced it with honey for almost all my sweetening needs–in drinks, recipes, and desserts. Also, through most of my adult life I’ve struggled with bad breath. I can eliminate bad breath with cooked red cabbage, apple cider vinegar and honey.

Tony Baker, United States
2 Apr 2012

Honey is really a good antioxidant for the skin. If you grate green apples and mix it in a bowl with honey, your acne scars & blemishes will vanish. It’s really cool, πŸ™‚

Sejla, United States
29 Mar 2012

Ruth: Hey Sejla, this sounds really cool! Thanks!


I cut my finger quite badly, and my husband said it needed stiches, I remembered reading that tumeric powder and honey eased the pain and helped with healing. This I did while still bleeding sprinkled the tumeric powder heavily on the cut and used Manuka honey/I applied this for about 2 weeks covering the wound each time.

There is a light scar left, I had very little pain and I think the healing is wonderful. I would recommend this for any wounds.

Lorraine, Australia
28 Mar 2012

My taste for honey was many years ago [leatherwood is my favorite ] I buy it in 30kg drum and this lasts me about a year, I am extremely healthy and still in full time work at the age of 75 in August. My work is driving passenger buses for a Tasmanian firm ..I must pass a full medical and driving ability test every year.

Glen, Australia
26 Mar 2012

I have been suffering from running nose and teary eyes coupled with headache for three days when a friend of mine told me to take 2 spoonful of lemon juice with 1 spoonful of honey without water 3x a day. After a day, I feel so much better and after 3 days, my colds was totally gone.

Mercelita M. Uy, The Philippines

26 Mar 2012

As a child I had a horrid verruca that just wouldn’t go away…my mother tried everything, and all the typical chemical treatments, all to no avail.

Desperate, she had heard of a lady who used honey to cure pretty much everything, so she started covering the verruca with honey morning and night… and within a few days the verruca that had troubled me for months was gone!

Rachel, United Kingdom
24 Mar 2012

the benefits of honey 2012 postings

 I have been using honey and lemon very much of late. For me it has become a delicacy I enjoy mostly in the evenings before going to bed. I did not start drinking this because someone told me about the health benefits of honey. I started earlier on drinking tea with lime and discovered that I was relieved of respiratory difficulty in my sleep. 

I started using lemon instead of lime and felt much better and also enjoyed it better. When I added honey, I discovered I was not getting the usual breathing problems in my sleep. I also realized that my weight was stabilized. I am glad to know of the additional health benefits.

Isaac Apenteng, Ghana
23 Mar 2012

I use creamed honey and cinnamon on anything to help my sugar spikes as a diabetic. I has helped me for 3 yrs without having to take insulin.

Jean Baker, Canada
22 Mar 2012

I use honey on my face once a week and I barely have any pimples =)

Racheal Wangari, Kenya
21 Mar 2012

I have been using honey and oatmeal for scrubbing my face and also honey and olive oil for my hair treatment. These remedies work wonders for me. I would recommend someone to try it, AMAZING!

Chipo Bvutira, New Zealand
20 Mar 2012

My daughter had bad acne and we made a paste on with honey and cinnamon and used it as a mask and it has now practically cleared up.

Shireen Cloete, South Africa
19 Mar 2012

I’ve been using raw honey in my coffee and teas for several years. I can’t remember what those drinks taste like with refined sugar. I have moved onto drinking apple cider vinegar + honey + real lime juice twice a day and it gives me much pleasure in the taste as well as knowing it is doing my internals good.

Have just been given a story about Honey and cinnamon so this is the next adventure using honey. The best honey I have used is Manuka honey from New Zealand.

Robert Paterson, Australia
19 Mar 2012

I cut my finger pad off my pinky! We are self employed and do not go to the ER unless absolutely necessary so I decided to just clean it and treat it with my raw honey. The results are amazing!

Wish I could show pictures because my family can not believe it! Especially my husband and sister who were here when I cut it off. I have thrown out all of those nasty triple antibiotic creams and now just keep little jars of honey where I use to carry them. Honey is amazing!!

Tommi, United States
14 Mar 2012

Ruth: Amazing! If you have a couple of pictures of the healing, you can email them to me and I could place them as part of the posting.
Thanks for sharing!

Tommi: Ruth, I do have pics because I thought if this works I might need them;). They are listed as to the day they were taken. It is seriously AMAZING!!!

I love honey! I use honey in marinating my chicken and it brings out the flavor. It also lessen the pain every time I have dysmenorrhea.

Ann Patriarca, The Philippines
14 Mar 2012

Early, I was having Type 1 diabetes and high cholesterol level around 272 LDL, had some hormone imbalance levels as well. After reading this website , I started having Honey with Cinnamon powder in empty stomach with normal day to day activities and no exercise. I added honey instead of sugar.

I checked my cholesterol, diabetes and hormone level test 2 months later, to my surprise all came to normal reference range..!!!!

This is really an great medicine. Thanks to the Benefits-of-honey website. πŸ™‚

Arthi Sakthi, India
14 Mar 2012

I have a problem of indigestion, gas trouble, constipation etc. With honey I solved all these health problems and I love honey very much.

Ravichandran A., India
12 Mar 2012

Just briefly, the use Honey is as a matter of emphasized religious faith. Honey is proclaimed as “A Cure & Healing “Shifaa” for All the People” in what Muslims believe to be the final revelation, The Last Testament of God Almighty (Allah) revealed to the final Messenger and Apostle (May Peace and Blessing be upon him).

Without saying any more, we literally use HONEY as per revealed Word of God and Sayings and Teaching of the Last Messenger for countless physical, health and spiritual benefits. For the Believer, in Heaven there will literally be streams / rivers of Honey in everyone’s Heavenly Estates in Paradise with Palaces and Gardens beyond our imagination.

Just to share only a few of my/our own practical uses… (and irrespective of who says otherwise) we know as a fact, HONEY WORKS.

1. A delicious, safest, comparatively more economical alternative to baby formula when mother’s milk is low. Just mix pure spring water (or ZamZam from the Well that sprang forth as a result of the Pilgrimage and sacrifices of the Apostle Abraham’s wife – that’s another story altogether) and let your baby enjoy a toxin-free/side effect free substitute for mom’s supply ran short.

2. An excellent toothpaste and mouthwash, especially for small kids or Elderly people with Dementia / Alzheimer’s. NO problem if you accidently or intentionally swallow a little of a lot or all. NO “Bad” BACTERIA can live in honey and even if you goes into the stomach – better yet, it can sort out a few things down there too.

3. Honey and warm water on an empty stomach when/if you wake up in the late night before dawn is an excellent routine for easy/clean detox and high energy with mental alertness thorough out the day.

4. I recall travelling to a foreign country with others and everyone caught what is called the “Pink Eye”. The majority used some pharmaceutical prescribed for this and I and a few others simply put a drop of honey in each eye. The former group suffered with “Pink Eye” for several weeks but for me and the crew that used honey the problem was solved in minutes.

Mansur Al-Rashad, United States
11 Mar 2012

In my experience combination of Honey and lemon juice can remedy cold swiftly.

Hossein Mohammadi, Iran
11 Mar 2012

I am trying honey since last 3 months, I find it reduces the fat also it also increases immune system of our body.

Ardhendu Pattanaik, India
5 Mar 2012

I have generations of bee keepers in my family. I was raised on it. Now I have been diagnosed with Diabetes and plan to use honey to help control my blood sugars.

Jean Provencher, Canada
29 Feb 2012

Using Israel honey, I get sound sleep, bowel moments are good in morning, I feel hungry sensations. It is excellent.

Elumalaiyan sv, India
29 Feb 2012

Hello, I am from Belgium and I like Naturel Food. I would create a mixture from Rapeseed Honey with Ceylon Cinnamon in a bigger (honey) pot.
Cinnamon 10% on honey weight. All this is more easy for eating the Kids and adults in the morning, midday, noon and evening.

With kind regards from Belgium,
Willy Grieten

Willy, Belgium
28 Feb 2012

I regularly take Luke warm water to that add one tea spoon of lemon juice & 1 tea spoon of honey. This has really helped in my sore throat problem & also helped me in weight reduction.

Ravi Bhatia, India
27 Feb 2012


Warm greetings from the Philippines! I love honey and the Bees! My son was cured by taking 1 table spoon of honey mixed per feeding bottle of milk due to his “Kawasaki Disease”, way back the year 2001 when he was 1 year old then.

Since then, I promoted and shared the good news about honey and the bees throughout the Philippines.

Bees are one of the most important insects God ever created. Let’s protect and conserve them.

John Domagtoy, The Philippines
25 Feb 2012

Hi, I have been using honey for many years now after I read about honey qualities mention in the bible: “My son, eat you honey, because it is good.” (Proverbs 24:13)

I have found honey to be a miracle food, and possibly the only food that has been unchanged since the Garden of Eden. We buy our honey by the 20kg drum, because all of my children love honey as a natural sweetener… “because it is good.”

Steve Roche, Australia
24 Feb 2012

I drink it every day with cinnamon to boost immunity.

Koekoe Barnard, South Africa
24 Feb 2012

I use honey as a vehicle for my herbal tinctures and also essential oils, it enhances the absorption of herbal properties to the cell.

Honey, lavender essential oil, yogurt and vitamin c, makes a wonderful facial mask, that moisturizes and feeds your skin, helps clear the pores and smoothens wrinkles.

Paty Knudson, Mexico
23 Feb 2012

Eating honey seems so much more natural than eating the processed sugar. I especially like it in plain yogurt. I’ve read that it has antibiotic properties and will try it out, if I ever have need.

Laura McKee, United States
22 Feb 2012

Settling of nerves and improve energy!

Dwayne Haines, United States
22 Feb 2012

I am quite recent in the BEE world, but bees are quite inspiring for me. I am tasting as many types of honey as I can, and the best part, is that honey is definitely part of my life. I use it raw and other hive products as royal jelly in my diet. The last recipe I have done were flamed shrimps with hydrohoney = the goods`drink. It was delicious.

The best way to start a day, is to eat Honey at breakfast, used in as many ways as your creativity and preferences allows you; this guarantees a day start full of taste and energy. My favorite is Greek yogurt with fresh fruit covered with honey. And the best way to end a stressful day, is a glass of hot milk with honey.

Honey, cannot live without it in my life.

Thank you bees for producing this golden treasure.

Fatima Silva, Portugal
19 Feb 2012

A few years back I took my young wife and son to live in a country town about 50kms north of Melbourne.

And then one day a swarm flew into our back-yard, and stayed. I eventually got them into a box, and they began doing their thing and producing honey.

It wasn’t all that great initially, when the hive was just in the back-yard and the bees were feeding in the private gardens of the town.

But when I moved them a short distance away, outside the town and close to a stand of manna gums, they produced some really fantastic, high-quality honey.

It was quite dark in colour, and thick, even though I’d extracted it cold.
But the flavour was magnificent and I’ve been a honey lover and bee enthusiast ever since.

I’m sorry that the Singapore authorities don’t let you have bees. I figure orchid honey might be quite tasty.

Stewart Carter, Australia
5 Feb 2012

I had had pain in both feet for about a year to the point that I could hardly get out of bed in the mornings. I saw an email regarding the use of unpasturised honey with powdered cinnamon as a tea twice a day. I tried it and 3 weeks later, the pain had entirely left and now, 2 yrs later, I am still pain free and I had stopped making this tea shortly after the pain had left. 

I am a nurse and when I get the opportunity to share this story with any of my patients as a recommendation before the use of a pill, I certainly push for the uses of honey !!!!!! The recipe for the tea if anyone is interested is: 1 tablespoon of unpasturised honey with a 1/4 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon in a
tea cup with hot water ( I usually put a squirt of lemon in ) and take this 2 x/ day.

Norm, Canada
1 Feb 2012

Came across this page and I was reading on the benefits of honey. I started a week ago taking two tea spoons of honey with a cup of hot water in the morning and before bed time I have lost 3 pounds and I sleep much better. Being in the pre-menopause years sleep is deprived, I would really recommend this to people who are trying to lose weight and have a hard time sleeping.

Carmen, United States
31 Jan 2012

My son had some sore on his leg, I have treated it with a lot of drugs but it just did not heal. I then took him to a very good hospital and I was surprised when the doctor (pediatrician) suggested that I clean the sore with savon mixed water and thereafter apply some honey on the sore. 

It’s just one day after I took my son to the hospital and started the Honey/savon treatment. The sore had dried up! And guess what? I am so excited. I am going to start trying the honey on my face to see if my face becomes free of acne and pimples.

Will keep you posted.

Tinu, Nigeria
30 Jan 2012

Its amazing. My cold gone before getting worse by drinking honey.

Shamsheeda Suneer, United Arab Emirates
28 Jan 2012

6 years ago when my daughter was 4, she had this persistent cough for over 4 months. I gave her cough suppressant weekly. It helped her cough but never really cured. Whenever we stopped using cough suppressant, her cough came back. My husband and I was on constant battle about cough suppressant until we came across an article on the power of honey. Within a week cough disappeared. 

My daughter fall in love with honey and has been drinking big glass of honey water daily. It’s been 6 years, she never had to take any medicine. I am so thankful that honey is widely available. Thank God!!

Ruth, United States
28 Jan 2012

I have been using honey in my tea to replace sugar for two years, and although I am a healthy weight I wanted my insides to match the out. I also love it on weetabix, porridge and cornflakes – so much nicer than sugar. I am always looking for ways to implement it in food. Carrots roasted in honey and orange is my fav veg recipe and the kids love them too πŸ™‚

Jill Kirby, United Kingdom
24 Jan 2012

I used to buy expensive tea drinks with honey but since I have learned to concoct my own honey lemon tea, I have saved a lot and much more, I have became healthier and wiser.

Ermenilda de Leon Roxas, Philippines
23 Jan 2012

I am Malaysian male, age 57.

I was having sleeping problem for the past few years. After drinking 2 tablespoons of honey mix with a glass of water every morning and evening before bed for just 1 month, my sleeping problem has gone away! This honey drink also improve my sex performance! 

Before I could not maintain my erection for long, now erection lasts much longer till ejaculation! I strongly recommend taking honey if you are not able to sleep well, and to all the men with decreased libido, take honey daily!

Kong Fook Choi, Malaysia
22 Jan 2012

I smashed my thumb badly with a hammer and didn’t go to the doctor. Within a week my thumb was so badly infected that the smell was unbearable from the infection. I started using honey on it and the infection and pain went away and the thumb healed to perfectly normal.

James Knight, New Zealand
19 Jan 2012

I am a shift worker working very inhospitable hours. Sleep deprivation is something I have put up with for a long time. Then I discovered if I had 1 -2 teaspoons of honey immediately before going to bed – the quality of my sleep was greatly enhanced. I had tried tart cherry juice previously – which is very expensive…I believe honey is as effective – if not even more effective than the tart cherry juice.

Candy Warrington, New Zealand
19 Jan 2012

Father kept bees. When he passed away, honey was found in abundance so I had to learn to cook using it so it didn’t waste. Love its taste.

Ginger Stark, Canada
18 Jan 2012

honeys stick

Honey gives more extra energy! I’m drinking 500ml of warm water with 2 tbsp of honey during my daily exercise…I wonder the effect of what honey is! I’m working 12 hrs a day 7 days a week..but I’m still energetic…I’ve been using honey for almost 6 years and I found out the benefits… so try continue using honey… right amount, right composition for healthy body!!!

Aimer Fiel, Philippines
16 Jan 2012

I have a weak constituent and am generally susceptible to cold and flu. Some years ago I read in the Quran (16:69), that honey brings health. So I have been regularly taking honey for the last 5 years. All praise to God, since then I have not fallen ill and am enjoying an all round excellent well being. It’s almost magical and did I mention very cheap too as I did not resort to use any expensive special grade honey other than those generally found in the local supermarket.

Samat, Singapore
16 Jan 2012

I have started using honey instead of sugar in my morning tea since last 1 year. I have noticed that since last 8 months I am not having troubles with my stomach and fat accumulation is also thinning out. Moreover I feel more relaxed.

Praveen Sahi, India
16 Jan 2012

My grandma used honey and dry yeast with cord liver oil mixed together, she normally take one spoon in the morning and one spoon in the night. Since then the Cataract left and she is now okay with the problem.

Okwudili, Nigeria
16 Jan 2012

Honey + milk gives my skin a wonderous glow, brings out the yellow/gold from my Creole roots!

Mya, United States
15 Jan 2012

I am crazy about being in shape and keeping healthy and slim, I have always had trouble sleeping and this has become apart of my everyday routine (honey).

I read the article about how honey helps you sleep and how important it is for your body/ metabolism if you get he recommended hours of sleep (8), ever since I have incorporated honey into my daily diet and life style I have noticed the changes in my mood, body and health due to having honey in the morning and before bed, this magical natural sweater is a life saver for my body and health.

Holly Charles, Australia
14 Jan 2012

I have been using honey for the past 8 months, Its helped me avoid getting sick even after spending time around sick babies and toddlers.

It also cured by recurring stye infections!

Zo, United States
14 Jan 2012

Morning before breakfast I take full glass of cold water with 2 teaspoon of honey & 4 teaspoons of lime juice. It has boosted my health.

Naveen, India
14 Jan 2012

I had read about a “buckwheat” honey was good for coughs. I recently had triple by-pass heart surgery and one thing that is hard on you afterwards is coughing and buckwheat honey was good for that. I went through two jars and wouldn’t drink anything unless it had that honey in it and never had a coughing problem and when I did I just drank some of that honey in something like my coffee.

Steve, United States
10 Jan 2012

I cut two fingers off March 2011. After returning from emergency room for surgery, I came home, soaked fingers in honey, did this every day morning and evening, returned to doctor 2 weeks later. Doctor asked what I had been doing, he told me to continue doing it.
Hurt worse when taking stitches out than the whole 2 weeks. Honey works.

Clyde Beck, United States
8 Jan 2012

They say there is no cure for the common cold but there is certainly a prevention. I used to get a cold and flu several times a year and they were very intense. Since I’ve been taking honey I have not had a cough, flu or a cold and it’s been fifteen years. I eat healthy also but honey is the prevention…

Eddie, Canada
6 Jan 2012

I switch to honey 3 years ago, no more sugar, I use it with tea and lemon, I used to get sick a lot, cold, flue etc., now If I get a cold, it is mild and sometimes gone in a few days. my body stronger and I feel great.

I also used Manuka honey for my stomach acid flux, and it cured it in 2 weeks, make sure you take manuka honey with a piece of fruit or on a bread 20 minutes before eating a meal, it is magic, you feel the improvements with in hrs.

Mike, Canada
6 Jan 2012

I have been taking honey for some three months and noticed in myself how well I was feeling. Other people have commented on how well I look I shall continue to take it as I believe it has much benefit which could help with my blood pressure issues and raised cholesterol. 

I will actually monitor my health much more than I have been I also have noticed the vitamin content which is another reason to take it other than its a natural product.

Sheila Lehane, United Kingdom
6 Jan 2012

I have been taking raw honey from local honey far, I live in Seattle Washington, I have been taking the honey for a long time but I did not had any physical benefits taking raw honey, I think I have gained weight due to large amound of sugar content of sugar. Many people saying, help joint pain, ulser, etc.
Is there a real truth about honey benefit ?

Jason Leigh, United States
4 Jan 2012

Ruth: Jason, from “the large amount of sugar content” that you mentioned, it seems that you might have excessively eaten honey, which is not wise at all. The principle of weight gain is very simple: When you eat more than what your body needs, regardless of whether it is sugar, fat, milk, or honey, the excess calories are stored as fat which leads to weight gain. 

For good health, replace refined and processed sugars with a natural sugar like honey. For healing, eat honey like a medicine.

Read: Honey Isn’t Just Sugar!

My sister is 3 years younger than am and she has bas arthritis and she drinks honey and vinegar every day to ensure that she can get out of bed. She was in such bad health that the day she turned 40 she sat on the bed crying to me that she never thought she would live that long. Now at the age of 54 I am looking for all the advantages of honey and vinegar for me.

Sharon Alexander, United States
3 Jan 2012

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