the benefits of honey 2013
The Benefits of Honey 2013 Postings & Amazing Stories
The Benefits of Honey 2013 Postings
Most Recent Posts: The Benefits of Honey – Amazing Stories

I took a tbsp of honey every morning and feel much better. I’ve started using it in my cooking and taste has improved greatly.
Louis Krueger, United States
27 Oct 2013
I have a wound that hardly heal, but now I am using honey to spread over my wound which I find it good… so now on I will use this whenever I have a wound or relay to my friends and relatives how good honey is.
Marica Waqanivere, Fiji
21 Oct 2013

A mixture of warm lemon juice and a little honey give me a painless night sleep after a week of drinking it.
Dennis Brady, Canada
19 Oct 2013
I am a vegetarian/vegan, and I eat a lot of peanut butter, almond butter and sunbutter from sunflower seeds. I mix them all with honey.
We get our organic honey through a food coop in one gallon containers. I always have a jar of sun butter, or nut butter honey mixture ready for nutritious snacking. Spread on “Dave’s Killer Bread” or a whole grain bread, it’s healthy, nutritious and great tasting. I never tire of it, and it is a great alternative to table sugar.
Annie Woodham, United States
16 Oct 2013
My husband and I are new beekeepers. This past weekend we extracted about 50 pounds of honey from our two hives. My next step is to bottle some of our honey to give as gifts to family and friends. I would like to experiment with some exotic recipes and fully explore cooking with honey.
The entire process has been fascinating. it is interesting that we had two different types of bees, Italian and Carnolians, and that though the hives sit next to each the honey they produced were very different. One mild and mellow, the other robust and much sweeter.
Pamela Reed, United States
14 Oct 2013
Every day I begin the day with an orange or 2, and a giant red grapefruit(5-6 in dia) covered with clover honey purchased at Trader Joes… fortunate to live in southern Ca where, several months of the year, large pink grapefruit is available in a couple of our Spanish markets at a great price!
Ron, United States
11 Oct 2013
I used to easily have the flu. I now drink honey and tea and have realized that my flu has gone.
Rachel Cabani, Ireland
8 Oct 2013
I have a lot more energy using honey. It is also getting harder to find unpasteurized honey in the grocery stores.
Dennis Brady, Canada
29 Sep 2013
I use honey in most of my recipes and it sure helps the throat when mixed with lemon and warm water.
Dave Beaumont, United States
28 Sep 2013
Honey has helped me with my bladder problems. With a mixture of lemon and honey made into juice it has helped a lot with my pee flow.
Dennis Brady, Canada
14 Sep 2013
My three year old son used to get sick & have bad cold a lot especially in winter, then I started giving him a teaspoon of honey with lemon juice everyday, then I noticed after few months that his health is much better & he is not getting sick as he used to be in the last few years.
Aisha Baia, Egypt
10 Sep 2013
Trying to make healthy bread here is a challenge. Used nuts sent to me, flax seed and honey. Result is delicious homemade bread. We also put honey on sores, which come from nothing, they seem to heal quickly in the tropical heat!
Cheryl McDaniel, Papua New Guinea
10 Sep 2013
I make a paste of honey and cinnamon and apply on my pimples or skin infection.
Martina Mashabela, South Africa
6 Sep 2013
I started using a home remedy of 1 tbs raw honey, 1 large crushed clove of garlic and 1 tbs vanilla yogurt daily, kept me from flu and colds all year. I love just a spoonful of honey in the morning. Honey has so many benefits, it’s manna from heaven.
Jo Dickison, United States
5 Sep 2013
I have used it and it has heal numerous diseases from our life. It has become our daily food.
Omotayo Fagbohungbe, Nigeria
1 Sep 2013
I make a paste with and use it as a facial. I noticed the tightening of my face within 4 days and it was taking the age. It is amazing.
Kathy Johnson, United States
27 Aug 2013
I am a sweet tooth and so honey does come easy to perfectly suit my taste. With its awesome benefits, it has become part of my healthy eating habits. I use this as a natural sweetener to my tea and fruit juices. From then on, my arthritis pain got lessened and eventually such experience ended.
When under severe colds, it also soothes my throat and further restores my body resistance. It’s good to have blog and website like this, dedicated to honey’s health benefits that further keeps us informed of its other amazing health benefits.
Blessings, The Philippines
22 Aug 2013
Used for natural health in teas.
Rose Docherty, United States
19 Aug 2013
Just getting over strep throat, honey helped ease the cough that came with it.
Gerri Hamilton, Canada
15 Aug 2013
Since one week ago, I’ve been consuming honey in the morning and I feel more effective.
Syed Rafiudeen, Qatars
31 July 2013
I use local honey for relief from allergies.
Juanita Doolin, United States
22 July 2013
I’ve had sweet experiences while using honey. I’ve used honey in the treatment of cough, I mixed honey with lime juice and drink it one tablespoon 3 times daily. Also ever since I started using honey mixed with avocado, aloe vera gel and albumen (from the chicken egg) as facial scrub, my face has remained smooth, radiant and ever supple. In fact honey is God’s gift to mankind.
Ifeyinwa Jacinta, Nigeria
8 July 2013
I use honey everyday for its health benefits. I make a tonic of lemons {organic}, I use the rind, garlic, distilled water, heat and cool then add honey, put in fridge. Take a shot glass in the AM with a little water, my tonic for health. Then in afternoon I add distilled water and ice cube with this, mix and have a lemonade. Refreshing and healthy.
Ellen Colbert, United States
22 June 2013
Honey mixed with green tea makes me lose weight and look fit.
Vels Bala, India
20 June 2013
I decided t use honey and cinnamon because I had a cold and had sinuses problems and sure enough about the third day my cold was gone and my sinus cleared up. From now on honey and cinnamon everyday and to help me with other things.
Brenda Williams, United States
18 June 2013
Hallo! Honey is a cure to every decease in the human body as stated in the Quran chapter 16 verse 69-70 it says: [16:69] “And thy Lord has inspired the bee, saying , ‘Make thou houses in the hills and in the trees and in the trellises which they build.
[16:70] ‘Then eat of every kind of fruit, and follow the ways of thy Lord that have been made easy for thee .’ There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying hues. Therein is cure for men. Surely, in that is a Sign for a people who reflect”).
There was a friend of who was suffering from severe hemorrhoids, he couldn’t even seat so he was advised to try honey and he did, he drew the honey with a syringe and put in his anus up to the Rectum, after an hour he reported that he defecated stool made of blood clots.
Now he say he is completely healed. I myself am suffering from dark blindness which means I can’t see at night or where there’s dark. I could appreciate if anyone could tell me a treatment.
Ahmed, Somalia
11 June 2013
I have a moderate to severe case of rosacea on my cheeks and chin. It seems to get worse during times of stress, and more noticeable even with make-up. I have tried every sensitive skin, balm, and serum available (some costing several hundred dollars) to relieve the symptoms. It is uncomfortable from a burning sensation, and at times very red.
A couple of weeks ago I was reading an article on the benefits of honey, specifically as an anti-inflammatory. One night recently, I put a small amount of raw honey on the really inflamed areas on my upper cheeks and went to bed. I woke up to soft, normal color, cool (no uncomfortable burning) cheeks. I’m not sure if this application is the ‘correct-method’ for a face mask, but it works wonders for me. No more pricey chemicals for these pink cheeks!!
Suzani, United States
11 June 2013
I was amazed by the healing effects of honey after so many operations have been performed to close her open wound. My daughter was born with spina bifida and all four operation done by the neurosurgeon left her with a huge hole wound at the lower level of her spine which took long to heal.
After the plastic surgeon failed to close the wound using a procedure called skin flap she was then transferred to a wound nurse who used honey to dress the wound, the wonders it did! Now my family and I use honey everyday, we are healthy and strong. Luv it!!
Puseletso Mofokeng, South Africa
11 June 2013
We use honey in cooking and when I make a plate fruit salad I drizzle a bit over to add taste. I also use it in peanut butter logs for our 3 year old to keep his system running.
Helen Watson, United States
9 June 2013
My husband sliced open his finger at the knuckle. It should have been at least two stitches. We are Christians and used to praying about such things. So we did. It needed to be covered so I put together a gauze wrap when a thought (God nudge) came to mind about slapping a finger of raw honey over the wound and then wrapping it.
That seemed a little strange, but I knew of the antiseptic properties of honey, so I did this. What I didn’t know was some of the anti scarring, and skin softening properties that would favor healing with this type of cut as well. The next morning he took the wrap off and the flap had healed to the point that it resembled a scratch.
He put a bandaid on it and wore it through the day. It was a very hands-on day at work, but the wound never opened, and there was no pain at anytime. By the end of the day it had completely healed and with no scar.
I find this remarkable since I still have a scar from a 30 year old, 3-stitch cut on one of my fingers (at the knuckle). I happened to be on YouTube after this incident, and clicked on a sidebar video about honey. I discovered the additional healing properties and was stunned about my nudge to use it in this situation. Amazing!
Mary, United States
7 June 2013
Do you think honey really works for my acne? I suffer acne almost half my life. I try honey mask now almost a day or two. I hope it works!
Maricel, The Philippines
6 June 2013
My “honey” story…..I have suffered from arthritis since I was 16, my Dr has given me in 3 years 3 different narcotics!!! That being said I didn’t want to take the pills so I decided to read online…….I found the honey and cinnamon information.
I called several different people and found local honey (I do NOT like honey) and purchased it. I tried the 1 cup boiling water with 1 tsp cinnamon let this steep for 30 minutes and added the honey….nasty. To make a long story short, I now 2-3 times a day mix 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1 tbs honey, I do it at least 2 times a day 3 if I have a lot of pain. This took just a few days to work oh and I pass drug tests too :).
Fran, United States
3 June 2013
I have a very good experience with honey I’m using honey mask for my skin and it’s very amazing. I’m using only honey mask and leave it for one hour and after that I wash it off. It leaves my skin soft and smooth. My skin is blemish prone so honey helps me in that too.
Naila Chaudry, Pakistan
2 June 2013
It is very useful in wound dressing and one or two spoonful help to attack cough at night. This I can assure you.
Jack F M, Nigeria
31 May 2013
Honey is awesome……it really works. Sugar kills…switch to honey guys…
Bernice, Liberia
29 May 2013
I started using honey to replace sugar. I have eliminated all sugar from my diet. I use honey now with tea I make from the Lingzhi Mushroon to regulate high blood pressure. The tea is a little bitter so I use some honey to give it a bit of taste.
The Linghzhi Mushroom tea does wonders for your blood pressure. I went down from an average 150/96 (on medication)to 110/78. I also drink safflower tea and that too is a bit bitter. I also add a bit of honey to it to give it a more pleasant taste.
Paul van Peperstraten, Australia
27 May 2013
I use honey every day and it helps me a lot because of the constipation I have. It softens the stools and I don’t constipate anymore. I discovered it in the internet after I had an operation in regards hemorrhoids.
Christine, Papua New Guinea
25 May 2013
Hi Friends, my name is Usman Razzaq and I am diabetic since the age of 28 years and now I am 34. After discovering the diabetes, I was worried and sad, how to cope the diabetes.
Then I started reading about this diseases and how to overcome it. Being a Muslim, I believe in teaching of Islam and our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, Honey is the cure of all diseases. I started using pure and natural honey extracted from Mango Orchards near to my town.
It was so delicious and healthy diet that I have quit using artificial sweeteners. Now I use 8 to 10 teaspoons of Honey in a day. I use insulin and for morning walk while my diabetes is under control and I am 100% as I was before diabetes.
The interesting thing of my story is, I have started my part time Natural Honey Business. I deal in retail and wholesale. I deal only in natural honey (Non farm). My whole family is use it regularly. Even my diabetic and heart patient mother get the full benefit of this delicious diet.
Usman Razzaq, Pakistan
21 May 2013
I am just so delighted that diabetics can also use honey. My most favourite honey trick is a teaspoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon – it takes away all signs of colds!! Nature is so amazing!
Cathrine Drotskie, South Africa
10 May 2013
I read somewhere that Honey was the only food which didn’t spoil. The discovery was apparently made when archaeologists found a pot of honey in King Tut’s tomb that was still edible. Imagine, after thousands of years!
Then, I read somewhere that honey was a commodity that never lost its value in the middle east. As one of the oldest civilizations in the world, I wondered what they knew that we didn’t. I started doing research, and I found that honey and the bees that make it has been cited in the Quran:
“And your Lord inspired the Bee, saying: ‘Take your habitations in the mountains and the trees and in what they erect. Then eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord, made easy (for you).’ There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying color wherein is a healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think.” [Al-Quran 16:68-69].
I started digging, and apparently, honey was recommended by the Muslim’s Prophet for treatment in many ailments. I was still unconvinced about the benefits of honey, so I never took to it. My nutritionist told me it’s a form of sugar, so therefore, in my mind, it’s bad for me.
Recently, I watched that scary 60 Minute documentary on how toxic refined and processed sugar is. I decided to cut out all sugar and started to feel super lethargic, I had withdrawal symptoms like fever and headaches as I was a sugar addict, and I was thinking of giving up the plan and start eating sugar again to help me cope with the withdrawal.
My friend told me to try honey, and that was when I remembered all this past information I had dismissed as rubbish.
I asked some devout Muslims I worked with about how to take honey, and their traditional methods and dosages work for me. Just mix a small teaspoon with warm water and drink it in the morning. Mix with cinnamon for knee pain. Mix with a little lemon for sore throats, or apply directly to wounds.
One guy took honey by dipping it into his own personal honey pot and sucking it directly that way. It’s worked wonders. I have way more energy now, I get less coughs and I get sick less often, my blood circulation is way better, my skin glows, my hair is less brittle and I find that just that small teaspoon can give me enough energy to last the day. I don’t know if it’s cutting out the refined sugar, or incorporating the honey that is helping, I guess it’s both!
Sara Tan, Singapore
8 May 2013
I use honey, lemon and vinegar in a cup of warm water to help sooth a sore throat. Use honey on cereal instead of sugar.
Dave Beaumont, United States
8 May 2013
I started adding a teaspoon of bee pollen to my morning smoothie and found that I have more energy.
Kathy Kikke, United States
5 May 2013
Well I’m only starting to be a honey user. The one person I do know has a daughter that was going through suicidal depression at the age of 9. The doctor said that she must be taken of from sugar immediately. Of course her daughter still wanted some sweet stuff so she reverted to honey and it made a difference.
Andre Michael Keulemans, South Africa
4 May 2013
Honey is the best thing under the sun…I use it in marinades, salad dressings and as a medicine for cough. It’s just awesome.
N. C., India
4 May 2013
So growing up I had really good skin but when I turned 19 I had a little trouble keeping the pimples away. I’m now 22 and ever since February I have been at war with my pimples getting scars here and there on my face. The pimples started to get bigger and the swelling lasted for days. So i went to google my new nest friend and I came upon this site.
I learned a lot and decided that I would try the honey mask since I already tried everything else from Olay cleansers and St. Ives scrubs toners and astringent what the heck right? And I tried some Jamaican multi-flora honey and left it on overnight and I was amazed that my pimples were reduced they weren’t red and now I am a true believer I am not going back……I LOVE HONEY!!!!
K. Murr, Jamaica
3 May 2013
I had read that honey was good at clearing the skin. I was getting a pimple and put honey on it and covered with a band aid. The pimple was pretty much gone over night.
I then decided to wash my face with the honey. My face was radiant, almost glowing. Lol, since my face looked so good. I decided to use honey as a body wash. My skin has just looked amazing. I don’t think I’ll use soap again!
I have also started drinking honey to see what health benefits I can find from that.
Anissa Beasinger, United States
29 Apr 2013
I suffered from arthritis for several years, but the end of last year a close friend of mine advised me to take honey and cider vinegar. Since then, my knee pain had gradually decrease and I am able to enjoy my life just like everyone else.
Every time my kids are having cold together cough and sore throat combo, all I have to do is add one tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of lime juice. Voila! They’ll have their ice creams in no time after that. Plus, my whole family loves honey in everything we eat. Toast, waffle, pancake… You name it!
Selva Maniam, Malaysia
29 Apr 2013
When I was young, I didn’t really like honey. But after I found out how important it is, honey became my favorite sweetener for black tea. I got stung by a bee before but didn’t really care. A bee got to do what a bee got to do. I will love honey make sure I love for the rest of my buzzing life.
Emily Suzairy, Malaysia
25 Apr 2013
I’m a Food Technologist, currently working as the Compliance Advisor for a company that manufactures Health Foods and some of them are Honey products, such as the ones with different UMF factors.
I’m a fascinated fan of HONEY and also I remember that in our Country India when my sons were born I was advised to give honey to them as the Natural honey can enhance the growth and the child would be able to speak earlier than those who did not give their babies some honey.
Irene Samson, New Zealand
23 Apr 2013
I eat a teaspoon of natural honey every day along with half a teaspoon of honey in each of my green tea’s. It’s a great way to stop sugar cravings, and substitute for sugar in baking. To get great soft hydrated skin, I wash my face with organic coconut oil, then mask my face with honey for 5-10 minutes, and then moisturize with organic coconut oil mixed with plain shea butter. I get oily with dry flaky patches skin, and I get pimples and scarring; the honey masks and the coconut oil has cured all that! I hope this helps 🙂
Maree, New Zealand
22 Apr 2013
Hi I love honey to eat and also as a beauty mask…I make a fantastic mask of honey banana and lemon juice…does wonders for my skin.
Jeanette Layton, Australia
21 Apr 2013
I use honey daily with cinnamon to help with allergies, sinus problems and to lower the bad cholesterol. I just love my honey.
Pola Sofonio, Canada
20 Apr 2013
Through high-school, I had a bit of acne/blackheads. I started washing my face with a tablespoon of raw honey every day. Within a week my face was clean and clear. Forget expensive chemical laden face washes, honey makes my skin glow.
Layten, Canada
19 Apr 2013
Honey helped in giving my body proper cleaning.
Ity Ade, Nigeria
18 Apr 2013
Back in my country I always live with bees. My father’s hobby. Here in Canada I miss all the work around beehives. I believe in the healing properties of honey.
Blaza Polak, Canada
13 Apr 2013
I use honey in crockpot oatmeal and hot tea. It seems to have helped with allergies. I only buy local honey.
The oatmeal recipe includes steel cut oats, honey, cinnamon, almond milk, almond meal, vanilla, and water. It is really easy because you throw it all in the crockpot the night before and it cooks while you sleep. The honey gives it just enough sweetness!
Heidi Osterhout, United States
12 Apr 2013
Honey plus garlic and ginger cure me from a severe cough.
Esther Walter, Ghana
12 Apr 2013
I have always use honey for cold remedies, face facials and to reduce high blood pressure. Honey has many properties that I was not aware of and I am finding out about them. Also I always use it to sweeten my healthy shakes or teas and fruit.
Maria Navarro, United States
9 Apr 2013
Honey is the best sweet, any one can go for. It makes me feel good and am able to sleep at night.
Susanna, Ghana
8 Apr 2013
This site has been very insightful. I am drinking green tea and honey right now, because I have a bad cold and sore throat. I didn’t know about the all of the awesome other things like a diet and for arthritis.
Nichcoal Brown, United States
7 Apr 2013
We use honey for our granola that we make from scratch and it tastes very delicious!
E. M., Canada
5 Apr 2013
I have lost about 15 kilos switching from sugar to honey, giving up wheat and drinking no more milk. Honey and coffee and tea is the best combination when you get used to it.
Lance Dutton, South Africa
30 Mar 2013
I read a post on Facebook today about the benefits of honey. I am sick with what I believe to be pneumonia. After reading the post, I took a tspn of honey and immediately felt 10 times better! I was in pain and laid all day in bed, but after the honey I was up cleaning and had a huge appetite.
Chrissie, United States
28 Mar 2013
I used to take one table spoon of honey before going to bed and it gives me a quality sleep (deep sleep) until next morning, no need of any tranquilizer. or I simply saturate it over my snack (fresh sliced fruit). So I make sure honey is included in my grocery list.
Ren Lloren, Saudi Arabia
26 Mar 2013
I drink honey and find it very good and also with hot lemon for sore throat. Regards, Joe.
Joe, Canada
24 Mar 2013
I have used honey for years to address injuries, sore throats, etc. I was often confused by why come honey results were better than others. What I didn’t realize is that what I was purchasing was not always true honey!
Visiting your website has given me quite an education. I now have the pleasure of enjoying natural honey that has not been impacted by pesticides, herbicides etc. and it is amazing how different this honey is completely organic and unprocessed. It’s simply amazing!
Nancy Elliott, United States
22 Mar 2013
I have always had problems with cold sores/fever blisters, and I’ve tried every over-the-counter medicine for them until recently I was thinking, well honey is anti-viral so I put it on just being curious and you know what, in a night my cold sore was dried up and healed.
Becky, United States
21 Mar 2013
Honey….ah yes. the liquid gold from God. It makes my mouth water. I put it in my water for flavor. I put it in my salad with flax seed oil and vinegar. It helps my breathing at night. I don’t eat as much during the day because it keeps my blood sugar up. Gives me essential vitamins especially the B’s. And we have a local harvester within 2 miles of my house.
Diana Fisher, United States
20 Mar 2013
I have athlete feet and I use honey to cure it, I put honey on a piece of cotton wool and put it between my toes throughout the day.
Amazingly the athlete feet disappears so quickly, depending on how bad it is… sometimes it goes away in a day at other times 3 days and the itching stops almost immediately.
Faheem, South Africa
20 Mar 2013

I buy local honey and I believe it helps with my allergys with the local trees any plants so they are not so severe!
Scot, United States
18 Mar 2013
This has truly reduced my blood sugar level.
K Tucker, United States
18 Mar 2013
My sister turn me on to Honey and Cinnamon, for my Acid Reflux, I had it so bad I could not sleep at nights, enough about me, my sister has it bad also so a friend of hers told her about this site on the internet, (Benefits of Honey) she told me about it so one teaspoon of honey and sprinkle cinnamon on the honey and drink, also no more tea or coffee for me. I take one stick of cinnamon stick and sweeten with honey, no more flare ups, I am sleeping like a baby at night. I hope my story helps someone.
Monique, Bahamas
17 Mar 2013
I have been experimenting as much as I can minimize western medication on BJI (Barbara Jasper Isabelle) with regular maintenance of raw honey, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar all stocked up in fridge for almost 3 months.
This drink mix works wonderous so far my recent flu and cough and my 4 years old girl Hermione’s fever and my 15 year old boy Jasper’s cough and ulcers. We recovered pretty much faster than before and we added extra doses when we unwell. Also increase intake of garlic helps. We love raw organic honey!
Barbara Lina Lei, Singapore
16 Mar 2013
I tried it as facial mask and tell you it was astonishing and also my sister used it as a remedy for ulcer.
Hajara Abdul, Nigeria
16 Mar 2013
Honey is good for cough. Whenever my family member had a cough, I gave them Honey mix with lime juice to cure cough.
Reta Tangit, Malaysia
15 Mar 2013
My son had a fistula at the bottom of his spine. It was extremely painful and embarrassing for him to ask for help. He was about 28 at the time. Sleeping over at our house one weekend he started a temperature, was unwell, went to bed and in the middle of the night it broke and he called me.
All I could find as a remedy was pearl barley and honey. The pearl barley had to be milled then boiled like porridge, as it cooled to body temperature good quality honey was to be stirred through it. This quite warm mixture was then applied to the seething boil. I covered it loosely with a clean linen cloth and left him to go back to sleep.
The next morning he felt much better and in the shower the whole thing became very clean and empty. I hope this story may help others.
Mifanwyn, Netherlands
14 Mar 2013
Have heard so much about the benefits of Honey and have not really put it to test. I moved from where I stayed to another part of the country were I met a colleague whose parents lives in one of the villages.
He told me they are into the sale of pure honey, I needed to be sure because getting one is not really sure down here. Guess what! I am now on honey for almost all I take…bread, tea, coffee, skin.. and who, I feel real good. Please reader, give it a shot, am sure you will hit the bulls eye for all your ailments. Thanks.
Omojola Monday, Nigeria
14 Mar 2013
Strawberries drizzled with honey is totally yum and a preferred desert in my home!
Aurora Synastra, Malaysia
12 Mar 2013
I went to buy honey with a friend of mine. She most surely shock her head back & forth and said no, I only buy raw honey. She is from Poland and has very old determined points of view. She uses her honey for face masks, putting on her home made waffles etc.. She has the best complexion of anyone I have ever seen. Her face just glows. Lots of people look at her as odd and don’t understand her ways.
I have learned so much from her that I am reminded again that I must tell her how much I appreciate her. So I spent the last hour researching honey on line. I have always loved it, but did not use as often as I should have. I am now reaching out to a few people with allergies and to my own grandson to reinforce the benefits of NOT eating refined sugar and to use honey instead. This article has been very helpful.
Kris Noonan, United States
12 Mar 2013
I drink coffee with honey and soy milk or almond drink. I know honey is much better than sugar. Honey is so good for you. I would like to experiment honey as a sugar substitute. Thank you for this excellent website.
Andrea Michelotti, United States
8 Mar 2013
I have been taking honey for 4 weeks now. Initially, I took it for a cold, especially the cough. It really helped. I take a tablespoon of honey in warm water with some lemon juice – delicious!
Helen, Ireland
6 Mar 2013
I was low on energy at work most of the time just 1 teaspoon three times a day gives me lots of energy
Nadine Brady, Canada
4 Mar 2013
I am fairly new to the honey & cinnamon drink. It is very good. I do use the raw honey, but was not too happy with the cinnamon. I will be trying your suggestions. I have learned a lot from your 2012 back issues. I have eaten honey since I was a child, as we ate a lot of peanut butter and honey sandwiches – sometimes add banana slices. Still like them. I want to try more things with honey. Thank you for your newsletter and web site.
Geri Johnson, United States
3 Mar 2013
It is a good food for it prevents my cough & throat infection so many times.
Varun TJ, India
3 Mar 2013
Honey has been a new addition to my search for a more natural approach to health, particularly in the area of what I put in and on my body. We have made the switch from processed sugars to honey and pure maple syrup only. I am finding my taste buds changing.
Initially, I did not enjoy the taste of honey, but now I am finding that changing. Plus, I feel so much better eating this way. Now, though, I am researching ways to use honey medicinally. My husband is sick quite often with sinus, allergies and colds and uses a large amount of otc medicine.
I believe the fact that he is sick so often is actually a bit of a result from taking so much otc medication. What helps initially, harms and inhibits the immune system in the long run. I am hoping to find at home remedies, particularly using honey, that will help him and convince him to get rid of the unnatural cures altogether.
Amy Green, United States
2 Mar 2013
I learned about the benefits of honey 3 years ago and I have never stopped using it since. I use it in a whole lot of things – in my tea, on my face, in my tinctures just to mention a few. I can’t do without it.
Patience Mthembu, South Africa
27 Feb 2013
It helped with digestion, sleep, calming and blood pressure.
Carol Frecker, United States
23 Feb 2013
I use honey for every thing in my hair food and on my skin. I love it and I have hives.
Marie Dunn, Jamaica
19 Feb 2013
My son took honey for strep throat, I started eating it because I didn’t want to get sick. A Tbs 2X a day, mixed in tea coffee or just off the spoon has prevented any allergy attacks, flu, or colds this season.I was out of raw honey for a week or so and now I’m sick with a little cold. I’m taking it again and I’m not feeling as bad as I could.
Dana, United States
17 Feb 2013
I have honey and apple cider vinegar twice a day, morning and night. I also take a spoonful when I have a sore throat or a cough. I like to also use honey as a face mask, it really softens and tones the skin.
Nancy Morley, Australia
15 Feb 2013
Honey helped me lose weight within 6 months. I drink it in the morning every day before eating my breakfast.
Duduzile Phenya, South Africa
12 Feb 2013
White sugar caused my bone density loss and switching to honey has stopped the process.
Dennis Brady, Canada
10 Feb 2013
I use honey for ulcers in my mouth. And when my daughter was a year old I used it for constipation.
Mridula Mohata, India
8 Feb 2013
When I learned to make bread, I was taught to use honey to feed the yeast, and then add more to sweeten the bread. When I gave a loaf to a visiting Russian, he told me that my bread was the opposite of Russian bread because my bread was light and sweet. Russian bread, he said, was heavy and sour. He likes both kinds now.
Lois Wickstrom, United States
8 Feb 2013
A mixture of honey and lemon juice cured my son’s cold in just two days.
Immy, Uganda
7 Feb 2013
No more mensural pains since i have taking a tablespoon of honey every morning before eating and my menses flows normal.
Kemi, Nigeria
6 Feb 2013
I’m just starting to learn about it. My mother-in-law was telling my husband and I about honey and garlic on Xmas. His parents are divorced. THEN, his father whom lives with us brought home a nasty lower respiratory infection. It claimed everyone.
My husband, unwilling to take his mom’s advice even though we bought raw, organic honey all ready to try (because we want to be more healthy naturally, but sometimes I think MEN–some–equate this with sticking out feeling bad!!). I began to get it. Coughing, but the worst was the wheezing! I opened the honey for the first time unable to sleep without choking on mucus at 4am and just had three tablespoons of it.
It was soothing and the best tasting honey I’d ever tasted! I did the same thing except I mixed it with some cinnamon for some future doses at lunch. Had some with dinner, practically that was ALL dinner for how sick I felt. But the next day I woke up, and the wheezing was gone!!!
In the past, I’d have to go to the doctor and get at least 2 different kinds of inhalers and antibiotics AT LEAST. Not to mention cough syrup. I think because it was just beginning I stopped it! So now I’m looking for all the info on honey I can get and my husband isn’t fussy anymore either since I got out of a week of misery and he didn’t!
Danielle Jorgenson, United States
4 Feb 2013
I just began a regime of taking two tablespoons of honey daily with cinnamon to lower bad cholesterol levels. In two weeks I will be able to prove its effectiveness once I go for blood work.
Carmen Maysonet, United States
2 Feb 2013
I have used this for one week, and no more pain in my knees, feet, or back and have so much more energy thanks to the raw honey and apple cider vinegar, drink two glasses every day, I feel 15 years younger, can’t believe it till you try it.
Pete, United States
29 Jan 2013
I have been collecting honey for 10 years (I am currently 16) I have always loved the sweet taste of honey and its such a versatile product to cook with!
My dad is a chef and is always on the hunt for new honeys for me to try and add to my scrapbook of labels I have from the honeys I have tried, I rate them all out of 5 stars and comment if they are sweet or bitter, strong or weak and light or dark. Honey is my favorite thing in the world to cook with and eat.
Mimi Hayes, Australia
28 Jan 2013
I am an addicted user of honey and I have sold it to my mum and siblings. I discovered that my face was beginning to get dry and premature wrinkles, and getting darker than my other body. So I started using honey as mask, sometimes with lemon and it has greatly improved.
I also drink honey and warm water daily and my skin glows better. When I fast I take a lot of honey solution and I have discovered that I go through the day energetic.
Honey is always in my house and I use honey daily.
Justina Eze, Nigeria
26 Jan 2013
I have used honey to help with my allergies. I have been reading about using honey and cinnamon for pain control. I have both on hand, going to start using it to see if it helps with my aches and pain. Being able to use honey in other foods could only benefit myself.
Ina Morrell, United States
25 Jan 2013
Honey is excellent for tea. I use it often on biscuits out of the oven instead of jam or jelly. It is great in homemade lemonade and you don’t have to use as much to give it that nice smooth yet tart taste. I haven’t purchased regular sugar for years.
Jerilyn Hobbs, United States
24 Jan 2013
I have been searching for a natural mask to help my face. My skin feels better and looks more healthy. I also drink honey and tea. There are so many uses for honey. I really have enjoyed reading your web pages. Thank you for the information. I just love it.
Patricia Sills, United States
22 Jan 2013
I am just starting the honey and cinnamon diet and have heard absolutely good things about. Hope I’ll have good results.
Karen Riley, Trinidad and Tobago
21 Jan 2013
I love honey and always have. I used to do cleanses with agave nectar, but after reading the benefits on this site, I am going to switch to using honey with Cheyanne pepper and lemon juice instead. I am also going to try the hibernation diet.
Genaire Walker, United States
21 Jan 2013
Honey has great properties for your heath, I eat it all the time plus use it my tea and cereal it also good for colds and flu.
Philip Massey Jr, United States
19 Jan 2013
I have experienced a lot of benefits from honey. Starting from general health, energy supply, to skin complexion. Before I start consuming honey, I had cough and cold on daily basis, suffered from hyperurination for years, heavily tanned (I was in marching band and got a lot of sunburn thanks to it), my face is oily, and my straight hair is constantly tangled to the point where brushing my hair feels like walking into a warzone!
After I consumed honey, my hyperurination vanished, less cold and cough (just occasional sneezing which probably happened because dusts), my skin complexion slowly return to normal, my face is significantly less oily, and now I don’t need to prepare myself for a war against my hair! I feel healthier than I ever felt, and happier too! Not to forget that I never see my skin glows like this before!
And I got all this benefits from store-bought honey… I couldn’t imagine what kind of goodness I would receive if I were using raw honey! Now I consume honey with crackers for breakfast, mixed it with tea, drink it with water, and eat a tablespoon of it before sleep!
I also checked your store–half of me wish you can ship honey to Indonesia someday, and half of me know that if you do ship to Indonesia, I’ll burn a huge hole on my pocket!
Naomi, Indonedia
19 Jan 2013
In an effort to be sure I am feeding my family the healthiest foods possible I have turned to honey for most of my cooking and baking needs. I personally love the flavour and texture it created when replacing sugar in most of my recipes, however some of them turn out completely disastrous. We source our raw honey from a local supplier and our favorite is Borage Honey.
It’s white, creamy and has a mild flavor, so it doesn’t overpower. For tea, coffee and toast we enjoy Clover Honey. I am glad I stumbled on your website. It has great tips, information and recipes. Thanx a bunch.
Brandi Peters, Canada
19 Jan 2013
In my country people make something that is really powerful stuff to cure many illness. They crush walnuts (well crushed) and they mix it with 3x times the amount of honey. They add pure olive oil in it as well as one lemon (unpeeled).
They put it in a bowl and they close it properly so no air can go in and they leave it like that for a moth. After a month, just one tbts in a morning and it does wonders. It doesn’t taste very nice but it cures most illness. Very powerful stuff!!
Bardhok Ndji, Albanias
18 Jan 2013
I’ve always used honey whenever I’m sick instead of Medicine.
Sally, United States
18 Jan 2013
Honey has helped me cut calories but keep sweetness!
Michelle Harris Jefferson, United States
16 Jan 2013
I just learned about the amazing experience and testimonies of honey. I’m putting it to practice on or before January ending because to get real honey is pretty difficult in my country. I’m very determine to lose weight my testimonies will be amazing for real!!
Angela Ademola, Nigeria
7 Jan 2013
Hi all, I want to express my appreciation for your wonderfully informative Honey web site, I am not able to stop reading about the wonders of honey, the healing effects of honey and to be thankful that honey is available to us from nature to use as a miraculous healing tool.
I am using the Honey-Oats Face Scrub and it is working its wonders on my skin, drawing compliments from family, friends and fellow employees alike for my beautiful, younger, healthy, free from wrinkles and glowing skin. Next on my list is the Honey Olive Hair Conditioner which I am sure will be just as amazing !
I am excited to find out and uncover the beauty of my hair and the admiring comments which will follow from everyone. Kind Wishes, Hazel.
Hazel van Vuuren, South Africa
7 Jan 2013
I have been taking honey and vinegar for two years now and have had no signs of arthritis that I usually suffer from. Very good remedy. Thank you.
Kevin Bird, Australia
5 Jan 2013
My recently new experiences with Honey have been astounding. I begin by using it as a natural source of energy that would prevent crashing after the rush like alternative energy supplements on the market. Afterwards I begin using it with green tea to control my weight. The green tea itself wasn’t pleasant tasting until i added 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Now I must have honey on a regular basis.
Donrico Martinez, United States
4 Jan 2013
I had a cold with a persisting cough, and I put honey and lemon in hot water to drink and it calmed my coughing and I felt somewhat energized. I definitely need to know more about the different ways to use honey.
Aileen Puleo, United States
2 Jan 2013
Hi, my pet can had a wound for many days. Despite applying appropriate skin ointments it was deteriorating so someone told me to apply honey and to my amazement it healed in just a week. I have replaced artificial sweeteners like sugar and jams for honey with toast for breakfasts everyday.
Niaz Khan, Pakistan
1 Jan 2013