the benefits of honey 2014

The Benefits of Honey 2014 Postings & Amazing Stories

The Benefits of Honey 2014 Postings

Most Recent Posts: The Benefits of Honey – Amazing Stories

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Stine Moller, Denmark     29/12/2014 @ 08:29:39

I have always been fascinated by honey and bees, three years ago I started my own apirary in my garden, and produce my own honey – and I use it any where its possible and always looking for new recipes including honey

        Marilyn Escabi, Puerto Rico     27/12/2014 @ 09:40:25

the benefits of honey 2014 postings


Ever since I started using this recipe I have not taken antibiotics for years for a cold or for my throat… chamomile tea, lemon juice from a fresh lemon and honey. You drink it warm at night. I recommend it to everyone I know and even to people I don’t.

John Armstrong, United States     05/12/2014 @ 21:34:02

One table spoon at bed time – better sleep.

        Pat, United States     04/12/2014 @ 20:56:52

Have a sore throat. A teaspoon of pure honey will make it go away immediately. I found out today when I have a stomach ache, take honey too. Love it and I have always wanted to have a bee hive. My Dad taught me just ignore the bees and they will ignore you. Am a little allergic but I still love them and honey.

        Daniel Koh, Singapore     20/11/2014 @ 02:26:35

A few years ago my mother almost died from a severe blister lips. Her lips was blister with blood oozing out. We send her to 3 different hospitals to see the specialists but all said she was fine and gave her lip gloss with does nothing to help.

She couldn’t eat normal food for days except porridge and lost a lot of weight, until we brought her to see a Chinese doctor. The Chinese doctor immediately knew what was wrong with her…..a weak liver and kidney stones! My mom had 2 operations to remove kidney stones when she was in her 50s.

Her cure cost us only $4 (we spend over a thousand seeing western doctors), 2 bottles of cheap china honey was all it takes. And she recovered within 1 week!

        Tracy, United States     19/11/2014 @ 09:44:17

I had a cracked skin on my hands in a couple places that has mostly gone away, the vertical lines and horizontal ridges on finger nails lessened. All this has been helped by using honey (raw & local) as sweetener for coffee or tea.

        Claudette Kerr, Jamaica     09/11/2014 @ 14:17:19

I visited the doctor and he sent me to do a blood test. I took the result to him. He told me that my Cholesterol level was 4.5 high. I went home and did my research on foods that can lower cholesterol level. I found out that honey was among them. I use honey daily. Six weeks later I took another blood test and my cholesterol level was lowered.

        Belenda Sandy, United States     27/10/2014 @ 14:44:55

I’ve had allergies for years and I always got sinus infections every year but since eating honey daily for several years, I am allergy free and I haven’t had a sinus infection for over 4 years. Thank you honeybees.

Jana Dvorakova, Czech Republic     11/10/2014 @ 08:29:28

My father is a beekeeper and this year my husband took up beekeeping as well. I use honey as often as possible and it is one of my favorite ingredients. Recently, I started using propolis. The first thing I made was mouthwash with propolis tincture and salvia officinalis (sage). I also made salve to treat skin problems. There are many things I need to learn about bees and their products and your site helps a lot. Thank you and good luck.

        Elizabeth, United States     27/09/2014 @ 22:59:14

2007-September 2014, following return from 15 months in Iraq, nothing worked to help me sleep at night. I had had maybe a total of 6 nights of actual rest where I felt rested the next day. Military medical care had given me Ambien with disastrous results, ending up in ER. I did not believe that I would have many more years on this earth, largely because of lack of needed sleep.

In two weeks now of taking a spoonful of honey before I go to bed, I have had far more sleep hours than the past 7 years combined. I cannot believe what a huge difference taking honey before I go to bed is having on ability to get restful sleep. This website–and Honey–is amazing!! I’ve just begun a beekeeping course, resultingly.        Ronald Wood, United States     26/09/2014 @ 00:11:10

New to honey so I said why not try it on an infection I had and my Dr. was not helping. It cleared up in three weeks. Ron

Yamuna, India     23/09/2014 @ 12:06:20

I am a person who used to feel tiredness in spite of eating equal to what others ate. I eat more, energy seemed to drain continuously at same rate. I have been suffering with acidity, stomach ulcers, sore throat, burning sensation in stomach for the past few years. I became overweight because of improper digestion causing food to travel too fast even before anything can be absorbed from the food for energy.

Body used to go so cold at times that I could see the skin turning red making the blood capillaries visible on the surface of the skin. How much ever I meet doctor, they merely give medicines to abate the symptoms. It feels like they don’t seem to understand what you are suffering from. Staying hungry used make me to go depressed. In spite of following strict diet for months together to get rid of acidity, there seemed no hope. Having 1-2tablespoon of honey regularly solved my tiredness and stomach related problems to a huge extent.

Light physical activity throughout the day over regular brought body under control. Although am not at my best, mind feels body’s support in feeling healthy. Am able to do more work and take more strain. At last I can feel my body perform equal to others.

        Maria Dorothy Tapilouw, Singapore     14/09/2014 @ 08:12:00

Hi, I follow the advice in your website for honey diet. I feel a good improvement in my weight loss diet. Of course to follow with exercise. Thank you very much!

       Kris, United States     08/09/2014 @ 21:59:32

For Connie Griffith in Cleveland, GA. Try going to DeKalb Farmers Market located at 3000 E. Ponce De Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA. 30030 Hope this helps 🙂

        Krista, PM, United Kingdom     08/09/2014 @ 07:04:37

FMy husband is refusing to use vitamins and supplements. Instead of proposing another tablet or caplet he is asking me every single morning to make to a big glass of lemon-honey water. He says it’s giving him the power, energy and strengthens his immune system.

        Joy Kamani, United States     07/09/2014 @ 15:49:55

I am intrigued by the health benefits of honey. So intrigued, that I now have two top bar hives in my backyard. So far I’ve done one Spring harvest and hope to harvest again this fall. I enjoy watching my bees come and go from the hive. I’ve used honey for a number of minor ailments and its always worked!

        Katherine Ford, United States     18/08/2014 @ 10:55:07

I love honey and use it in everything as a replacement for sugar. Excited I found this website.

        Connie Griffith, United States     08/08/2014 @ 10:11:30

I love raw honey; I don’t use sugar anymore. Ten years ago, my 70-yr old sister-in-law told me she swore to the beneficial effect of raw honey in controlling her arthritis. That statement was the final thing I needed to drop sugar and embrace honey completely. (At that time I already had been using honey on/off for several years.)

In one of our travels, I was served this wonderful tea after a Thai massage in a spa in Phuket, Thailand. I asked them what kind of tea it was and where could I buy it, I was told it was their own creation of ginger, lemon and honey. I was lucky to be living in Ashland, Oregon that period because they had this wonderful farmers’ market every Wednesday and there was this local beekeeper who sold local raw honey at reasonable prices; I was spoiled.

Now I’m in Cleveland, GA and am in search of a good source of authentic raw honey. I’ve been buying them from Ingles, Walmart and some little farmers’ market when I see one. I prefer not to order online because of the added cost of shipping and handling. My husband is diabetic, I have convinced him to use raw honey instead of sweeteners.

        Ed Watts, United States     02/08/2014 @ 11:55:59

My wife has had three surgeries to “fix” her nasal cavity, and her allergies. She has had allergies her whole life, she is Hispanic and never had a real doctor, so she took over-the-counter medication for over 35 years. That is until we were informed of bee pollen and raw organic honey!

I have diabetes and take I am supposed to be insulin now, I took it for a couple of years but since I have begun juicing, and adding raw organic honey my levels have dropped to the point of when I was in my early 20’s. My wife started taking the honey and bee pollen and within 5 days she had not sneezed, sniffled or had watery eyes. That has been almost a year now, for both of us!

Oh yeah, did I mention the migraine headaches we both had for numerous years? Well not anymore! Juicing and raw honey is a life saver, I just wish my wife would juice more with me but the time will come. Thanks for being here for us!

 Janefrances, Nigeria     30/07/2014 @ 08:31:00

Interesting: pure honey when mixed with blended thyme and mix together in a glass of hot water it helps memory. Secondly mix honey with shear butter it cures baby rashes caused by diaper rub as cream. When mix honey with olive oil of the same quantity then warm it, it cures hair breakage. Practice makes perfect.

        Ann, United States     27/07/2014 @ 08:11:41

Jacob From United Kingdom,

How does she use the honey? Is it Manuka?

        Jacob, United Kingdom     25/07/2014 @ 04:55:38

I was using bleaching creams and my skin had pigmentation, became dry and itchy… I went to pharmacy shops and bought everything but I didn’t help me and one day my grandmother came to visit my place….she is 68 years but she looks like she is 40 years and then ask her what is she using… she said honey and I didn’t delay, I bought it same time and the results where amazing and wish I can post before and after pictures… but please trust me and my confidence is back now… ever smiling.  Marieta Cuares, The Philippines     09/07/2014 @ 02:47:48

My son has asthma, I’ve learned that honey can be used to prevent or treat asthma attacks. Now he rarely gets asthma attacks unlike before he used to get it about twice a month.

        Midge, South Africa     08/07/2014 @ 14:31:15

I am very interested in the benefits of honey as a means of changing my life style and large intake of sugar and sweet foods. After a meal I dash for chocolates or something sweet to eat. I have found that having a cup of black Rooibos Tea at night with a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon and a sprinkle of ginger is absolutely wonderful for soothing my stomach.

        Sandy Burns, United States     06/07/2014 @ 20:46:14

I use wildflower honey instead of clover and it’s much better in my teas and when I cook.

        Laky Ranu, India     06/07/2014 @ 03:21:29

I started drinking honey lemon and feel awesome and energetic.

        Carolyn, United States     25/06/2014 @ 21:27:26

I used to take allergy medicine until someone told me try local honey. I use about a tablespoon in my coffee each day and have not taken medicine for my allergies in over five years.

        Titilayo Dosumu, Nigeria     24/06/2014 @ 09:52:26

Honey works wonders. It cured my cough and ulcer. It also stop my breaking hair after just two steams with it.

        Nelson, United States     25/05/2014 @ 01:00:04

With 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, mix together, every day with breakfast, I am arthritis pain free for seven months already.

        Gena, Australia     22/05/2014 @ 18:27:58

I had a severe infection on my little toes, nothing could get rid of it….infection caused by open sore due to blister whilst walking through a farm yard. The Doctor tried many different applications and eventually wished to send me off to have my toe amputated! I bought some live honey in one day it started to get better, in five days healed.

        Ruth, Benefits of Honey     23/05/2014 @ 10:01:12

Thanks for sharing, Gena. Amazing!

        Joan Manthe, South Africa     19/05/2014 @ 10:01:12

Lemon and honey in the morning is so delicious, moved to a bigger glass…

       Michelle Tay, Malaysia     26/04/2014 @ 02:40:07

I have been taking 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water every morning as a general refreshing wake me up and cleansing routine. This keep my joints healthy.

        Prem Kumar, India     10/02/2014 @ 04:52:45

1/2 spoon of honey in lime water keeps me active even after having busy schedules of work and travelling.

        Ed Trotter, United States     03/02/2014 @ 22:39:50

We love the golden fried bananas drizzled with honey and served warm or cold if you like. Cut up the bananas in 1 inch slices, coat them with flour and a bit of sugar. Not to much. Fry them in light oil until golden brown. Set aside on a paper towel for a moment then drizzle the honey over each of them. Use a toothpick. YUM.

        Wilson John, India     15/01/2014 @ 20:10:10

Glycemic index level is well controlled when honey is taken with gooseberry. I am critical diabetic where my beta cells are almost exhausted and I depend on insulin only for diabetic control apart from high fiber diets(oats).

Gooseberries(1kg) slit on the sides is steam boiled in pressure cooker and soaked in 1000ml of pure honey for twenty days. Thus honey soaked gooseberries are prepared. I had taken 2 such gooseberry along with my oatmeal. The glucometer reading was 127. 2 hours after my meal with 2 honey gooseberry the glucometer reading was 130.

My normal medication before and after meal as follows:
Before meal
Humindulin 100iu30/70–20unit
Glimipride —2mg
After meal
Metfotmin 1000mg

Best wishes for diabetic control.

        Daniel Evasco, The Philippines     15/01/2014 @ 22:11:16

Honey has healing effect to my cough.

        Dorothy Bogie, Canada     10/01/2014 @ 13:22:46

I will not use anything else but honey for making my homemade bread and buns. I have not bought a loaf of bread or buns in about twenty years or more as I do not wish to buy. The homemade is so much tastier and you know what you are getting with less cost.

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