eucalyptus honey

Eucalyptus Honey and Oil – Top 3 Great Health and Healing Benefits

Amongst the array of honey products, have you tried Eucalyptus honey before? Besides its very distinct taste and aroma, what makes it so special is its host of health benefits.

Its Origin

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The eucalyptus tree, also known as fever tree, blue gum tree or stringy bark tree, has the botanical name Eucalyptus Globulus. It is native to Australia but was introduced to other parts of the world including India, Europe and South Africa a few centuries ago. Though many countries do produce eucalyptus oil, Australia is still the world’s prime supplier of eucalyptus oil.

1. Therapeutic and Anti-Inflammatory

The health benefits of the eucalyptus honey are many – anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and stimulating.

In fact I first started reading up Eucalyptus honey after a salesman tried to sell his bottles of Eucalyptus honey at a flea market and taught me how to use it as an expectorant for mild coughs and colds. Besides being a good natural remedy for respiratory problems, Eucalyptus honey is a good antiseptic owing to its germicidal properties (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology, 1(3):211-218, 2014). On its exposure to air, ozone is formed which is a well-known antiseptic.

Hence Eucalyptus honey is used for healing wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, abrasions and sores. It is also effective on insect bites and stings. It is often recommended to patients suffering from rheumatism, lumbago, sprained ligaments and tendons, stiff muscles, aches, fibrosis and even nerve pain. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory Eucalyptus honey is massaged on the skin surface in circular motion to help relieve muscle and joint pains.

2. Germicidal and Antiseptic

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The numerous health benefits of the colorless, volatile eucalyptus oil which is extracted from the fresh eucalyptus leaves, branch tips, and dried leaves have attracted the world to explore its usage as a conventional medicine as well as an aromatherapy essential oil.

You have probably noticed that eucalyptus oil in aromatherapy is becoming increasingly popular as it blends so perfectly well with many other essential oils including thyme essential oil, rosemary essential oil, marjoram essential oil, lavender essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, and frankincense essential oil.

Eucalyptus essential oil has applications in skin care products, soaps, detergents and household cleaners, and is well often applied topically to treat skin infections and used as a prime ingredient in many mouthwashes and toothpastes as it is very effective against cavities, dental plaques, gingivitis and other dental infections due to its germicidal and antiseptic properties. The antiseptic and deodorant nature of eucalyptus oil makes it a perfect room freshener for hospitals and sickbed atmosphere. It also kills bacteria and germs in the air, keeping the room environment clean.

However, one should take care while using eucalyptus oil. If taken in large quantities, it is toxic. Life-threatening poisonings have been reported from overdoses of eucalyptus oil. Symptoms of overdose or toxicity include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, central nervous system depression, a drop in blood pressure, and circulation problems.

3. Nasal Congestion Relief, Insomnia Cure

raw eucalyptus honey amazon

As an ingredient in over-the-counter drugs, eucalyptus oil is sold and promoted over-the-counter for it is used for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and for temporary relief of nasal congestion and coughs associated with a cold (Cohen, H. A. et al, 2012).

Eucalyptus oil has been compared to menthol because it acts on receptors in the nasal mucosa, which help to alleviate nasal congestion. For eucalyptus to provide an effective expectorant and antiseptic action, the volatile oil has to contain at least 70% eucalyptol. It has been reported that one of the first medicinal uses of Eucalyptus was by the Australian aborigines, who not only extracted valuable water from its roots, but used its leaves to relieve fevers. Another important reason why people add eucalyptus oil to baths, spas and saunas is that it provides a cooling and refreshing effect. Eucalyptus oil stimulates and is effective in removing exhaustion and mental sluggishness and rejuvenates those who are suffering from stress and sleeplessness.

Other Related Pages on Eucalyptus Honey

1) If you are located in Singapore, you can now buy from us the different types of honey such as Yellow Box, Eucalyptus, Wildflower, Rainforest, Manuka, Macadamia, and Leatherwood: Buy Honey Online.

2) If you think honey tastes horrible, don’t give it up because there are so many floral varieties that it’s impossible not to find something that can please your taste buds. Read: Taste Honey? No Way!

3) Tips on how to taste honey like a pro: Taste of Honey Varieties

4) “Honey is sweet” isn’t good enough, here are: 100 Interesting Ways to Describe the Taste of Honey

5) The endless floral varietals of honey: Exploring 36 Honey Floral Varieties (#21 is Highly Sought-After)

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