Benefits of Honey Masthead

A Honey Remedies Book

A personal honey remedies book - "How to Effectively Use Honey as Medicine: What Doctors Don't Tell You".

Residing in a country where there is not a single honeybee farm or a trace of beekeeping activity, the author, Ruth Tan speaks from her wealth of personal experience in using honey, a golden liquid that protects and prevents diseases.

When consumed regularly, honey is able to reverse many negative health trends. Mind-blowing stories of how others have been healed by the golden liquid fascinate her to record her thoughts about honey in this remedies book. And these include healing of burns, cough, throat inflammation, infections, obesity, troubled skin, adrenal fatigue, poor sleep, arthritis, stomach ulcer, etc. The amazing health benefits of honey go beyond our comprehension. Some of the benefits can be experienced in a matter of days or weeks; others may take months or years to be appreciated. If only more would believe in taking honey consistently and continually, day after day...

Ruth is strongly convicted that there is a big deal about honey that will inspire others to eat it and that the healthful, sweet liquid must be given a much more pronounced food status than what it's currently now. While so people are jumping on the latest diet fad, coveting the wonder anti-aging cream, and chasing after the newest health pill, she hopes to create some attention for this precious, age-old food and see a brewing interest and curiosity in this natural sweetener and a growing number of people tapping on its amazing goodness.

How to Effectively Use Honey as Medicine
What Doctors Don't Tell You
Transform Your Health with Nature's Living Food

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