Ee Feng Gu honeybee farm apiary is located 5km from the central of Cameron Highlands -- largest of Malaysia's highland resorts, situated 1,500 metres above sea level, about two hours away from Kuala Lumpur.
It's an enthralling, scenic sanctuary where bees freely roam and fly from flower to flower collecting nectar. There's a surprisingly large number of beautiful floral varieties, rows and rows of wooden boxes of bee hives with honeycombs inside, and many gigantic replicas of honey bees in vibrant colours found in the midst of the tress, bushes, and flowers. Totally charming and serene!
For your viewing pleasure, I have put together some pictures I took during that visit. Enjoy!
1. See shots of the busy bee latched on white flowers taken in a Oolong tea plantation and a tiny bee farm in Taiwan - Busy Bee and Rainy Day.
2. Understand why it makes so much sense to say: "äs busy as a bee".
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